The Longo Development Corporation application for Amedeo Garden Court does not show any heritage buildings

As the story related to the heritage buildings at the Amedeo Garden Court apartment complex unfolds, I’m pleased to share with you this May 27, 2012 article by Joe Fiorito in The Toronto Star.

Mimico 20/20 workshops seeking community input

Given the response to the recent workshop related to Mimico 20/20, according to a recent announcement a second workshop has been scheduled for June 5, 2012 with the same agenda and material as the workshop on May 29, 2012.

To register contact Tara Mohammed at 416-394-8234 or by email a tmohammed[at]

Several other articles have appeared focusing on Mimico 20/20

Mimico waterfront: Another ‘wall of condos’ disaster in the making? (Kate Allen)

Mimico development plans massive and confusing (Joe Fiorito)

Mimico 20/20 will not see radical changes to the community’s landscape (Tamara Shephard)

Mimico revitalization ‘will be incremental’ (Tamara Shephard)

Mimico Estates / Amedeo Garden Court apartment complex

Background about the heritage properties at Amedeo Garden Court, and the attempt to have them designated under the Ontario Heritage Act, can be found at this blog post.

An attempt was made a year ago, as the blog post (above) notes, to have the site designated under the Ontario Heritage Act.

On April 1, 2011 the Toronto Preservation Panel adopted a report from Heritage Preservation Services recommending designation of all existing heritage elements of the Ormsby/Franceschini Estate under the Ontario Heritage Act.

The Etobicoke-York Community Council on April 21, 2011 referred the matter of designation to the Toronto Planning Department to be considered as part of the Mimico 20/20 project. The one Councillor who spoke in favour of proceeding with the designation was Peter Milczyn (Ward 5, Etobicoke-Lakeshore).

In their application for development of the Amadeo Garden Court site, it’s my understanding that the Longo Development Corporation application does not show any heritage buildings at all and has taken what is in the historic gardens and moved them to the lake between two towers.

In the preliminary report to the Etobicoke York Community Council, City of Toronto planning staff have noted a number of issues that will need to be dealt with including heritage issues.

NOW article features the following overview

A NOW magazine article two months ago has noted:

What: Mimico Estates, a collection of early-20th-century Queen Anne revival buildings hidden behind the World War Two-era Amedeo Garden Court apartment block. A rare surviving waterfront estate built by industrialist Benjamin Ormsby and later by Dufferin Construction Company founder James Franceschini, who acquired the property in 1925.

Proposed: Demolition and relocation of heritage properties under Mimico-by-the-Lake Project 20/20 “revitalization” plans once thought shelved but have recently been resurrected.

Backdrop: High-rise condo creep making a mess of the Humber Bay area further east along Lake Shore is just around the corner.


2 replies
    TONY LONGO says:

    Please protect Amedeo Garden Court, I was raised there and related from my mothers side to the owners. I’d hate to see such a historical place become another high rise

  2. Jaan Pill
    Jaan Pill says:

    Wonderful to read your comment, Tony. Your family connection is of relevance. Clearly, you would be strongly aware of the heritage value of the property.

    It’s so important that residents express their views about the value of a heritage property such as Amedeo Garden Court.

    I am following the unfolding Mimico 20/20 story with much interest.

    I was very pleased to see that City Council recently decided, as discussed elsewhere at this website, that it’s important to let the community consultation process proceed as planned, however long it may take to get it right.


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