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99 search results for: Nazi
Totalitarian Art (1990, 2011): Igor Golomstock argues that state-controlled art in Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, and Soviet Russia shared identical features
/0 Comments/in Commentary, Newsletter/by Jaan PillInitially, I was not all that impressed with Totalitarian Art (1990, 2011) but after reading a couple of online reviews of the book, and an online obituary for the book’s author Igor Golomstock, I am more impressed – impressed enough, that is, that I have made a point of reading the book from start two […]
Montreal WW II hero honoured as Dutch town’s saviour: One-eyed soldier Léo Major single-handedly chased the Nazis from Zwolle in 1945 (CBC, May 21, 2018)
/0 Comments/in Newsletter/by Jaan PillA May 21, 2018 CBC article is entitled: “Montreal WW II hero, largely unknown at home, honoured as Dutch town’s saviour: One-eyed soldier Léo Major single-handedly chased the Nazis from Zwolle in 1945.” An excerpt reads: Arsenault was killed early on in the mission, and in his grief and rage, Major decided to do something […]
Richard J. Evans’s trilogy and related 2015 text offers a valuable historical overview of Nazi Germany
/0 Comments/in Language usage, Newsletter/by Jaan PillRichard J. Evans’s Nazi Germany trilogy along with The Third Reich in History and Memory (2015) is strongly evidence-based, and is presented within a framework that is well-reasoned and well-informed by the available historiography. A Jan. 4, 2016 review by Christopher E. Mauriello, Salem State University, of The Third Reich in History and Memory (2015), […]
My father’s photo album from 1936 Berlin Olympics prompts my reading of Richard J. Evans’s trilogy about Nazi Germany
/2 Comments/in Autobiography Stories - J. Pill, Language usage, Newsletter/by Jaan PillI have long been pondering how to approach the writing of a post about my late father’s 1936 Berlin Olympics photo album. The photo on the right was taken in Tartu, Estonia in 1936 or earlier. The photo, which is available online and is also featured in my father’s 1936 Berlin Olympics photo album, is of […]
I will bear witness: A diary of the Nazi years (Victor Klemperer 1998)
/1 Comment/in Newsletter/by Jaan PillIn the prologue to I will bear witness: A diary of the Nazi years (1998), Malcolm Chalmers notes that for readers in Germany, Victor Klemperer’s wartime diary “has become one of the key works through which the Third Reich and the murder of the Jews is understood.” A unique feature of the diaries, Chalmers adds, is […]