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20 search results for: Willowdale
77 Thirty Fifth Street TLAB decision warrants a close read: ‘From a planning perspective, it is not desirable nor appropriate to allow a development at the expense of damage (if not removal) of two mature trees that are not on the Subject Property’
/0 Comments/in Commentary, Committee of Adjustment, Toronto Local Appeal Body, Local Planning Appeals Tribunal, Long Branch, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillHow to proceed with a media interview, related to a lot-splitting/overbuilding application, if you are not experienced at this task
/0 Comments/in Committee of Adjustment, Toronto Local Appeal Body, Local Planning Appeals Tribunal, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillI’ve been involved with media interviews for over 30 years, as part of my volunteer work. I’ve appeared in local, regional, and national media interviews. I’ve helped many people prepare for such interviews, as well. By media, I refer to radio, television, and print news reports and features. How I became involved in this area is […]
Three Ward 3 Candidates – Pamela Gough, Iaian Davis, and Amber Morley – answer questions about cyclist and pedestrian safety
/3 Comments/in Commentary, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillA previous post is entitled: In her third campaign item, Pamela Gough addresses pedestrian and cycling safety I recently received a copy of the Oct. 18, 2018 TCAT newsletter. TCAT is the acronym for the Toronto Centre for Active Transportation. Click here to access the Oct. 18, 2018 TCAT newsletter > Results of “Build the […]
Hidden Among Us: Architectural Portraits of Leaside’s Canada Wire and Cable Company Homes exhibit took place May 11 – 13, 2018
/0 Comments/in Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillI had the opportunity to catch the opening of this show and to meet key people involved with the organizing of it. This is a truly engaging and superbly well-organized event; if you have the opportunity to catch this photo exhibit – and to visit a great industrial site – I recommend it highly. Just the […]
Dealing with Air Traffic Noise, like dealing with Lot-Splitting/Overbuilding, is about mobilizing the community to exercise political clout
/0 Comments/in Commentary, Long Branch, Mississauga, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillThe topic of this post is Air Traffic Noise, a topic that I have addressed in previous posts of some time back; I have not addressed the issue recently. The following tweet is from @icao : While air traffic is increasing in Sweden, noise is actually decreasing. @TS_Nyheter explains here how ICAO standards contribute to […]
After an April 4, 2018 meeting in Long Branch, I learned that prior permission from media relations at the city is not required, in order for a blogger to record what city officials say at a public meeting
/2 Comments/in Commentary, Committee of Adjustment, Toronto Local Appeal Body, Local Planning Appeals Tribunal, Long Branch, Long Branch Neighbourhood Association, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillLong Branch Neighbourhood Character Guidelines – Text of Final Report, Oct. 26, 2017
/0 Comments/in Committee of Adjustment, Toronto Local Appeal Body, Local Planning Appeals Tribunal, Long Branch, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillPrevious posts regrading the topic at hand include: SvN’s Long Branch Character Guidelines was unanimously approved by [Etobicoke York Community] Council last week – Nov. 24, 2017 Novae Res Urbis article (reposted by SvN) Long Branch Character Guidelines final staff report passed unanimously by Etobicoke York Community Council The staff report in question, which was […]
Conserving Long Branch September 2017 Part 1 (David sent this out on Sept. 9, 2017; I am slow in posting it)
/0 Comments/in Commentary, Committee of Adjustment, Toronto Local Appeal Body, Local Planning Appeals Tribunal, Long Branch, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillThe text from David Godley will follow my preamble to this post; if you want to skip the preamble, just go forward to the heading entitled: “Conserving Long Branch September 2017 Part 1.” Preamble from Jaan Pill I have changed “Toronto Local Appeal Board,” in David Godley’s text, to “Toronto Local Appeal Body,” as the […]
Support the OHS Crowdfunding Campaign for the John McKenzie House; Message forwarded by Geoff Kettel
/0 Comments/in Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillI am sharing the following email message because I support this project. I have not worked (except in a small way) at the HTML formatting for this message, because I am about to go for a workout and I am not keen to spend time at a formatting task. In the event you would like […]