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57 search results for: language that power speaks
Power speaks its own language: Contemporary social media propaganda focuses on denigration of standard perceptions of reality
/0 Comments/in Commentary, Newsletter/by Jaan PillClick here for previous posts about propaganda > A previous post is entitled: Power speaks its own language: Can historiography (generally, the writing of history featuring standard language usage) teach us anything of value with regard to extreme violence? As a follow-up to the post, I refer to a Dec. 18, 2018 New Yorker article […]
Empirical research and anecdotal experience appear to support power posing: Dec. 28, 2015 New York Times book review
/0 Comments/in Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillUpdates Click here for posts about Amy Cuddy’s research > A Nov. 3, 2016 Language and Cognition article is entitled: “Power in time: The influence of power posing on metaphoric perspectives on time.” [End] In 1959, Erving Goffman introduced his theory of impression management. The concept of impression management in turn brings to mind discussions […]
Connectedness comes from a key minority of nodes: Communication power (2009) and The information (2011)
/0 Comments/in Long Branch/by Jaan PillCommunication power (2009) by Manuel Castells is concerned with empirical evidence and political communication theories. I was impressed when I encountered the description by Peter Burke (2005) of how Castells has conceptualized city life and cities in the context of postmodernity. Castells has remarked that ‘The city is everywhere and in everything,’ and that networks constitute […]
The coolie speaks: Chinese indentured laborers and African slaves in Cuba (2008)
/0 Comments/in Newsletter/by Jaan PillThe coolie speaks by Lisa Yun describes particular experiences in a slave society in the Americas. The book’s introduction begins (p. xv) with a quotation from George Orwell’s 1942 essay on Rudyard Kipling, in which Orwell notes that “We all live by robbing Asiatic coolies, and those of us who are ‘enlightened’ all maintain that […]
Germany’s Hidden Crisis (2016)
/0 Comments/in Commentary, Newsletter/by Jaan PillGermany’s Hidden Crisis (2016) Previous posts underline that power speaks its own language; such a language is not necessarily congruent with everyday language. In the language that power speaks, at times big is small, small is big, and inside is outside – in short, reality – including history – is what power says it is. […]