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69 search results for: magic


Stage magic and Fair Trade coffee

By way of an introduction: 1) Truthiness refers to sense making in the absence of evidence. 2) What does the work of stage magicians tell us about how the mind works? The link to a May 3, 2008 Boston Globe article about this topic can be accessed at the previous sentence. The article notes that […]


A great presentation is the opposite of a what a stage magician does: Edward Tufte (1997)

“Explaining Magic: Pictorial Instuctions and Disinformation Design” is the title of Chapter 3 in Visual Explanations (1997) by Edward Tufte. Visual Explanations (1997) The chapter provides one of the best accounts that I’ve encountered anywhere about how to make a presentation. In essence, Tufte says: “Do the opposite of what a stage magician does.” I […]