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9 search results for: reality obtrudes


Yiyun Li (2014) and Luigi Tomba (2015) each notes, each in her or his own way, that occasionally reality obtrudes

This post is dedicated to internal coherence in storytelling. The discussion concerns culture and materiality. Based upon the work of novelist Yiyun Li (2014) and researcher Luigi Tomba (2015), as discussed at a separate page, at and of the work of students of the relationship between Buddhisms and violence as discussed at still another separate webpage, […]


Perception is reality does not apply to climate change

Updates When I say that perception is reality does not apply in the case of climate change I’m saying that reality in this case obtrudes – as contested to many other situations in life, where evidence and facts can readily be ignored in favour of varied preferred ways of seeing things. A book that comes […]


Falsehoods penetrate further, faster, and deeper than accurate information on Twitter: Massive MIT study

A March 8, 2018 Atlantic Monthly article is entitled: “The Grim Conclusions of the Largest-Ever Study of Fake News: Falsehoods almost always beat out the truth on Twitter, penetrating further, faster, and deeper into the social network than accurate information.” An abstract of the Science article, on which the Atlantic Monthly article is based, reads as […]


Positive thinking: Pro and con

In a book entitled The antidote: Happiness for people who can’t stand positive thinking (2012), Oliver Burkeman argues that positive thinking has its limitations. Another book along the same lines is The power of negative thinking: Using “defensive pessimism” to manage anxiety and perform at your peak (2001) by Julie K. Norem. Among books that […]


Role dispossession, occasioned by plagiarism

Update A Dec. 6, 2016 Toronto Star article is entitled: “College of teachers finds Chris Spence guilty of professional misconduct: Former TDSB education director, accused of plagiarism, will now face penalty hearing.” [end]   Definitions According to the Canadian Oxford Dictionary, Second edition, to plagiarize is 1 to take and use (the thoughts, writings, inventions, etc. […]