Conserving Long Branch – September 2016 Update from David Godley: Redevelopment proposal for apartments on Lake Promenade
Updates from David Godley for the previous month, August 2016, include:
Conserving Long Branch – August 2016 Update from David Godley
Conserving Long Branch – August 2016 Update Addendum from David Godley
The following Sept. 1, 2016 message is from David Godley of Long Branch:
Good evening (I think)
A high impact proposal has been released to the tenants of the five (7) storey rental apartments north of [Long Branch] Park. It is a thunderbolt for the residents and has particular impact on those nearby and traffic-wise on Long Branch Avenue and 33rd Street.
The proposal is planned to take about 15 years to complete. The planning process including an anticipated OMB hearing will probably in the region of years rather than months. Zoning is currently 1 times coverage so a significant density increase will be needed.
The Official Plan designation of “Apartment Neighbourhoods” seems appropriate but such policies on on transitional density from high to low do not seem satisfied. The Planning Department have been asked to clarify.
The proposal seems unimaginitive with lots of straight lines, right angles and no variations in height. Quadrangle Architects has a good reputation so there is enormous potential for improvement of the design on such a beautiful site.
Our Councillor is concerned about the issue and will be sending out letters and posting notices about the situation. It would be advisable for the owner to hold a general public meeting. Public input at the beginning of a process is the most valuable.
Attached is a copy of the flyers handed out by locals outside Moose Lodge on tenant rights and an insider account of what happened on August 31st 2016. A plan is included.
[End of text from David Godley]
Insider account
“I have just returned home from my meeting at the Moose Lodge for my building at 220 Lake Prom. It was not fully attended. Here is what I have found out from this meeting.
This was the last meeting. The first meeting was for the buildings 240 Lake Prom and 31 Park Blvd. Last night was for 230 Lake Prom and 32 Park Blvd. Tonight was only for 240 Lake Prom.
Mr. Greenberg said his application will be submitted between October and December of this year. He has partnered with a large development company and this company will be for the condos. I am sure the builder will be building all the NINE buildings. I asked him if he has sold part of his property so that the condos can be built but he said no and that he has partnered and will be doing a joint-venture with this builder. The nine buildings will consist of 3 rental buildings which will all be on Park Blvd and the 6 condos will be Lake Promenade. Each building will have the same height, all of them will be 12 FLOORS. Mr. Greenberg referred to them as mid-rises. He answered that he did not sell any of the property and the developer is a highly-regarded and large developer. No name was given.
The rentals of course will be dealt with first. The first building to come down will be 31 Park Blvd. I know by the law that he has to pay to move those renters out of the complex and the building. In that time, he will build two rental buildings on Park Blvd. So, when those buildings are completed, residents that were originally from 31 Park Blvd can move back and residents from 240 Lake Prom will get to move into those buildings. Upon completion of the third rental building, the rest of the tenants including 230 and 240 Lake Prom move into the new Park Blvd rental buildings. So basically, only one building, 31 Park Blvd, has to relocate from the complex. The rest of us live there during the construction of the new rentals in our current apartments until our relocation.
He stressed that we will have what he calls “like for like”. If you currently have a two bedroom you will be able to have a new two bedroom. He is planning on making the apartments open concept. A new 1-year lease will be required to move into your new unit which means you have to re-apply. He also kept stressing “if you exercise your rights to move back”.
He is applying for re-zoning and density. He also said he is offering the City of Toronto the option to increase the park land on the corner of Park Blvd and Long Branch Ave. This is the area where the Cenotaph is, the war monument.
Parking for the buildings will be underground and only visitor parking above-ground. Elimination of outside parking and outside garbage are in the plans.
He mentioned that once the application is put in there will be a public meeting and he stressed that at the public meetings we as tenants need to attend and stress our rights to have our new apartments so that the neighbourhood cannot take away those rights. In my opinion, a way to influence the group.
Since the residents of only one building are being moved, he only will be paying for them. I asked Mr. Greenberg himself if the other moving costs are provided since the other residents are moving from building to building on the same property/complex. I was not given positive answer, but from his information he seems only legally has to pay for the residents of 31 Park Blvd. The rest will most likely have to do the move, if we get back in the building, ourselves but that decision has not yet been made by Mr. Greenberg.
I do have photographs of the plan which I took on my phone and will send them in a separate email right after this one.
Also, the flyers that I had to hand out, the representative for Mr. Greenberg told me that I could go ahead and put them out for everyone and that a copy of the flyer will be put in the minutes for all the tenants. ”
[End of text]
Information circulated to tenants
[The Update from David Godley also includes a Word file, the text of which reads:]
Information for Tenants of 220, 230, 240 Lake Promenade and 21 and 31 Park Boulevard
City policies on demolition and protection of rental housing
August 2016
Has an application been submitted to redevelop the property?
No. The owner has not yet submitted a redevelopment application. Tenants will be kept informed when an application is made to the City.
Will tenants be told when an application is submitted to the City?
Yes, tenants will receive notice as soon as a redevelopment application is submitted to the City. This notice will provide information on the application, explain tenant rights and outline the process that will be followed.
Do I have to move from my home right away?
No. The City’s review process on this sort of application usually takes a minimum of one year until a decision is made, if not longer. IF City Council approves a redevelopment application, tenants will be given plenty of notice (at least 6 months) before having to move.
What are the City’s policies protecting rental housing?
The City’s Official Plan policies protect rental housing with 6 or more units. Policies state that demolition is not permitted unless two things are secured: all the rental units are replaced and tenants are provided with a comprehensive relocation and assistance plan. The only exception to this policy is if all units have high-end rents (greater than 1.5x average market rent by unit type).
What are the City’s rental replacement requirements?
The same number, size and bedroom type of rental units are replaced at similar rents. This means that if a rental complex has 100 units, with 50 1-bedroom, 25 2-bedroom and 25 3-bedroom units, the exact same number and mix would be required to be replaced (i.e. 100 units with 50 1-bedroom, 25 2-bedroom and 25 3-bedroom units). Rents would be similar to what tenants were paying before having to move.
A tenant relocation and assistance plan acceptable to City Council is also required. This includes:
- Financial compensation for tenants who have to move due to demolition, and
- Additional notice (above and beyond Residential Tenancies Act) before having to move
- The right to return to a replacement unit in the new building at a similar rent
[End of text]
Is there any update on this project?
I have not heard of an update. However, you question will serve as a reminder, for me, that it will be useful to try to see if an update might be available, from one source of another.