1966-67 Cheerleaders at Malcolm Campbell High School

Cheerleaders, 1966-67 Standing: C. Wilkinson. Back Row Left to Right: G. Jurewicz, P. McCormick, G. Robertson, D. Campbell, V. Glascow. Front Row Left to Right: C. Cutler, D. Pride, B. Vincent (Leader), I. Litinsky, G. Bradley.  

Senior Band at Malcolm Campbell High School, 1966-67

Senior Band, 1966-67, Malcolm Campbell High School Third Row: B. Jacobson, M. Ravinsky. Second Row: J. Silverstone, G. Fuoco, H. Bart­lett, B. Grayton, G. Lamb, M. Lightman, J. Brimbert, T. Melandra. First Row: M. Wright, J. Barclay, Mr. Rzepus, Seto, E. Hoyos.  

1967 Malcolm Campbell Graduation Program

          You can access the program as a PDF file here: 1967 Malcolm Campbell Graduation Program Our thanks to Gina (Davis) Cayer for forwarding this program to us, sent as an attached file by one of her classmates from the 1960s.  

Junior Band at Malcolm Campbell High School, 1966-67

Junior Band Second Row: B. Wilcox, R. Asman, B. Tatemichi, J. Henderson, L. Coish, R. Rose, D. McKelvey, E. Williams, R. Titcomb. First Row: P. Mannion, M. Wyad, G. Robertson, Mr. Rzepus, D. Cacuick, C. Barth, S. Merrin.  

History of Colonel Samuel Smith

This post is concerned with one of the topics at the June 13, 2015 Long Branch Fest Community Storytelling Panel that will be taking place starting at 8:00 pm at the corner of Twenty Ninth Street and Lake Shore Blvd. West. Colonel Samuel Smith Below are Speaking Notes for the presentation about the History of Colonel […]

We will be posting two videos: “What do I get for $150?” & “Why Toronto, not Montreal?”

By way of creating a tiny bit of buzz for two upcoming online videos related to the MCHS 2015 Reunion, taking place October 17, 2015 at Old Mill Toronto, I am pleased to share with you the following message to Steven Toepell, the film editor that I work with on projects for which I serve […]

MCHS Drama Club, 1966-67

MCHS Drama Club, 1966-67 Fourth Row: L. Spiler, J. Ostrega, R. Ehrlich, A. Kater, B. Dolman, A. Kisiell, B. Mann, M. Ajchenbaum. Third Row: M. Fialkow, C. Kubes, U. Amarica, D. Campbell, M. Shevloff, P. Rosenberg, S. Meland, R. Raif, R. Hollander, E. Hoyos, Mr. Grimson. Second Row: C. Zakaib, M. Linderman, L. Rusi­nek, C. […]

Program – First Annual Long Branch Fest – June 13, 2015 – See U There!

Click on the image to enlarge it; click again to enlarge it further You can also access the PDF version here: Program inside Page[1]    

Jane Fairburn: Tearing down of Gardiner a leap of faith worth taking

Jane Fairburn, author of Along The Shore (2013) has shared a blog post that warrants a close read: Tearing down the Gardiner: It’s a bout a leap of faith that’s worth taking