Aerial view of Ontario landscape northeast of Dryden and Thunder Bay

You can view the photos on this page, recorded during a July 9, 2014 Air Canada flight, more closely by clicking on each image. Click a second time to enlarge the image further. Use the “back” button on your browser to return to the page you are now reading. The photos were taken along a […]

Article from David Godley regarding Jersey, Channel Islands

The following text is from David Godley of Long Branch (Toronto). Jersey, Channel Islands By David Godley The Channel Islands (Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney and Sark) became part of Normandy when they were annexed by Vikings in 933. In 1204 King John ceded Normandy back to the French but the Channel Islands chose to stay in […]

Previous posts about fair trade coffee at the Preserved Stories site are listed here

My most recent post related to fair trade coffee – as brand, and as back story – concerns the ISEAL Alliance: My interest in fair trade coffee, as brand and back story, has led me to The wider topic concerns global economic, social, and military history. Below is a key post about recent research […]

The ISEAL Alliance is of interest to students of fair trade coffee

Caffeine is a widely used psychoactive plant ingredient that many of us enjoy ingesting on a daily basis especially in the mornings. Given my interest in fair trade coffee – as brand and back story – I’ve had the occasion, with regard to coffee and other other products, to learn about the ISEAL Alliance. What […]

MCHS organizing committee seeks to borrow 1968-69 and 1969-70 yearbooks

We are in the process of making scans of each alumna and alumnus photograph in the Malcolm Campbell High School Sixties yearbooks. We are scanning photos of MCHS teachers and administrators as well. The photos will be valuable as a way for attendees, at the Oct. 17, 2015 (that is, next year) MCHS Sixties Reunion […]

Question from Lynn Berry about bagel shop at mall on Sources where they have Farmers market

We’ve talked about a good Montreal smoked meat restaurant in the Greater Toronto Area, and a few similar ones in Montreal, at an April 28, 2014 post, which you can access here. Lynn Berry, an MCHS alumna, has asked the following question: “Is there still a bagel shop at the mall on Sources where they […]

Malcolm Campbell High School Sixties Reunion Committee met in Kitchener on June 16, 2014

Our most recent Malcolm Campbell High School 60s Reunion organizing committee meeting took place on June 16, 2014 in Kitchener. Our previous meeting on May 21, 2014 was held at the same location. Peter Mearns, Lynn Legge, and Jaan Pill attended the meeting. The reunion will take place in Toronto on Oct. 17, 2015 (that is, […]

Changes in the Toronto newspaper landscape: June 23, 2014 Torontoist article

A June 23, 2014 Torontoist article – by former Globe and Mail writer John Barber – is entitled:  “Speaking Lies for Power.” The subtitle reads: “How Toronto’s dailies are failing their readers, and failing to hold politicians to account.” This, in my view, is an interesting article about changes that have been occurring in the […]

Councillors Get Their Environmental Report Cards – Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA)

A June 26, 2014 Torontoist article is entitled: “Councillors Get Their Environmental Report Cards.” The subhead reads: “See who made the grade in the Toronto Environmental Alliance end-of-term assessment.” You can access the article here.  

Long Branch inspirational business group begins: Entrepreneurs of Long Branch; 850 Degrees

The following article is by David Godley of Long Branch (Toronto not New Jersey). I mention it’s not New Jersey because in the past I used to get lots of phone and email inquires about the history of Long Branch, New Jersey. There are in fact historical connections, as I’ve discussed in past blog posts. […]