Notes on a Writer’s Life: A Memoir (2023) by David Adams Richard is an excellent read

CBC The Current – Link to Monday August 21, 2023 Episode Transcript (John Vaillant interview plus a great podcast)

Update: biography of Einer Boberg (1935-1995), who co-founded – with Deborah Kully – a world-class stuttering treatment centre in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, in 1986

During my childhood when I stuttered severely, every once in a while, an older person would share with me a life-changing message

The careful, conservative language of science provided the springboard for a powerful, multi-decade, anti-science public relations campaign promoting catastrophic humanly enhanced combustion

Fire Weather (2023) presents a compelling biography of The Beast which drove 88,000 people out of Fort McMurray in May 2016

Why you need to be concerned – 220, 230 and 240 Lake Promenade and 21 and 31 Park Blvd. – Message from Long Branch Neighbourhood Association