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50 search results for: formative experiences


Full historical record, as it relates to Indigenous and Settler history, is emerging in public consciousness

We’ve had extensive discussion, at this website, about a remarkable, and memorable, elementary school in Montreal that, in retrospect, played a strong and positive formative experience in my life, and in the lives of fellow students from the 1950s and 1960s, who attended Cartierville School. The school went back long before the 1950s. Among the posts […]


Seeking information: Wartime and postwar housing at Small Arms Ltd. in Lakeview and elsewhere

Please note that subsequent posts include: Where will the people go: Toronto’s Emergency Housing Program and the Limits of Canadian Social Housing Policy, 1944-1957 Ted Long shares photos from the Long Branch army camp in the 1950s; with comments from Ted Long & Garry Burke Life at the Long Branch Army Camp, long, long ago! […]


New 3-minute video from Heritage Mississauga features Small Arms Ltd. wartime munitions plant in Lakeview

This post – along with future posts featuring interviews that I recorded on Aug. 25, 2016 – is concerned with an impressive, engaging 3-minute YouTube video about the Small Arms Ltd. munitions factory that was located in Lakeview, Mississauga just west of Long Branch during the Second World War. The Small Arms Building along with a […]


Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry Regiment will visit Small Arms in Lakeview on Sept. 7, 2014

The following text, to which I’ve added headings, is from the Summer 2014 newsletter of the Small Arms Society You can access the newsletter, which includes a focus on military history, here: Arms2Arts newsletter- Summer 2014   Canada’s First-into-Battle WWI Regiment is Coming to Small Arms On September 7, the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry […]


A Meeting of the People: School Boards and Protestant Communities in Quebec, 1801-1998 (2004)

This post is a follow-up to an earlier post about Cartierville School. A useful reference, regarding topics in the post, is A Meeting of the People: School Boards and Protestant Communities in Quebec, 1801-1998 (2004). You can access the study online at Google Books. You can do a search for “Cartierville” at the link in the previous sentence. […]


Blurbs define us and tell us who we are

It’s great to have a Twitter account and a blog, because they offer a person a way to organize her or his thinking and learn from other people. My topic concerns the nature of reality. How do we make sense of reality? We have available to us a wide range of academic, corporate, and political […]


How can we ensure that Mimico residents have the opportunity to offer meaningful input regarding Mimico 20/20?

How can we ensure the local community has the opportunity to offer meaningful input during the Mimico 20/20 planning process? This was a key question that emerged at a December 7, 2011 public meeting related to Mimico 20/20. A recent public meeting involving two presentations, seven workshops, and a plenary session on Saturday, February 11, 2012 […]