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135 search results for: China


Everybody’s story matters: Speaking notes for Sept. 1, 2018 Nordic Meeting (for people who stutter) in Tallinn, Estonia

Update: A second post, regarding this talk, is entitled: Draft No. 2 of speaking notes: Sept. 1, 2018 Tallinn talk [End]   Between 1988 and 2003, over a period of 15 years, I did a lot of volunteer work on behalf of people who stutter. Sometimes, I would work at this night and day. These […]


‘Of course, bold socialists intent on destroying rather than reforming capitalism have brought about some rather unpleasant historical outcomes’ – Aug. 2, 2018 Atlantic Monthly article

An Aug. 2, 2018 Atlantic Monthly article is entitled: “The Hunger for a Bold Socialism: The political preferences of two college professors, writing in a prominent leftist journal, are informed by the belief that ‘making people’s lives materially better isn’t enough.’” An excerpt from the article reads: “Of course, bold socialists intent on destroying rather […]


Trump / Russia: A Definitive History (2018): An apt companion piece to Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin (2015)

Trump / Russia: A Definitive History (2018): An apt companion piece to Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin (2015) Updates A July 13, 2018 Atlantic article is entitled: “The Russians Who Hacked the 2016 Election: Robert Mueller’s latest indictment reaches back to the origin story for the investigation into interference.” A Dec. 8, 2018 Guardian […]


Second Units at the City of Toronto: Message from David Godley of Long Branch

Following message is from David Godley, a retired planner who lives in Long Branch (I have broken longer texts into shorter paragraphs, for ease in online reading): SECOND UNITS, TORONTO DRAFT OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT (ATTACHED) * INTRODUCTION Hello Jeremy and Sharon, I attended the Etobicoke meeting of City of Toronto session on May 9 2018. […]


1946: The Making of the Modern World (2015)

A previous post is entitled: Richard J. Evans’s Nazi Germany trilogy along with a subsequent 2015 text is strongly evidence-based I have been reading widely about the years from the 1920s into the postwar years, by way of making connections with my father’s 1936 Berlin Olympics photo album; pondering his photos has prompted me to […]


Ideology and evidence-based practice

Below are links that may be of interest. I have long had an interest in evidence and evidence-based practice. The value of evidence has been of interest for me for two reasons. First, as a reporter, I have learned the value of evidence, as it is practised in traditional print journalism. Secondly, I’ve had the […]


Climate change and Greater Toronto Region: Links updates

Updates A July 12, 2017 CBC article is entitled: Don’t drain the swamp: report says wetlands help avert flood damage: Study says leaving wetlands in their natural state can help protect communities from severe flooding.” A Sept. 25, 2017 Guardian article is entitled: “What would an entirely flood-proof city look like? The wetter the better. […]


Not a good day, some days ago: Graeme Decarie, who taught history at Concordia University for many years, shares thoughts about mass murders

I’m just catching up with posting of a message from Graeme Decarie. Graeme Decarie was a history teacher at Malcolm Campbell High School in Montreal. I didn’t have a history class with him but he was an advisor to the student council, of which I was a member. In the fall of 1963 (if I […]