Screen shot of Image 9, 1999 Aerial Photograph, p. 33, from archaeological assessment (report of July 25, 2013) of Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project. Click on image to enlarge it; click again to enlarge it further.
Click here for previous posts about the Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project >
The current post highlights an online PDF document at the Credit Valley Conservation website:
Click on the link above to access the file.
The document shares valuable highlights, based on available sources, of the First Nations and European settler history of Lakeview in Mississauga.

Screen shot of Image 12, Sketch of military training barracks, p. 35, from archaeological assessment (report of July 25, 2013) of Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project. Image is from Weeks, V.M., Volume 1 of Lakeview: More Than Just Land 1804-1939 (1990), p. 96. Click on image to enlarge it; click again to enlarge it further.
An excerpt (p. 14), to which I’ve added links to previous posts at this website, and for which I’ve corrected a typo, reads:
“In 1954, Hurricane Hazel struck the Lakeshore and Long Branch community causing massive flooding and killing seven people. Image 3 is a post-hurricane aerial photograph that clearly shows the area impacted by the flooding and subsequently restored. Several hundred people had to be evacuated from the Pleasant Valley Trailer Park, north of Lakeshore Road East and some were relocated to the old barracks which were used as temporary housing. Residents recall several houses and trailers were washed out into Lake Ontario. In the aftermath, the community put forth an idea to turn the flooded area into a park since residents were unable to return to the condemned streets. Of the 192 properties to be expropriated, 43 were completely destroyed, 68 seriously damaged and 37 slightly damaged. In addition to the expropriation of these properties by the government, the creek was completely channelized and the entire area was raised with clean fill. The park was named in honour of Reeve Marie Curtis of Long Branch and opened to the public in 1959. Image 15 is a 1972 aerial photograph which illustrates the alterations to the mouth of the Etobicoke Creek and Marie Curtis Park post Hurricane Hazel.”
Click here for previous posts about the Long Branch Army Camp >
Click here for a previous post about the history of Long Branch >
Final Environmental Assessment for Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project
A related document (which may take some time to open) is entitled:
Final Environmental Assessment for Lakeview Waterfront Connection (April 2014)
An excerpt (p. ES-5; I have made spelling corrections) reads:
Socio-Economic Environment
- Existing land uses within the LWC Regional Study Area are residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, open space/greenbelt, vacant lands (City of Mississauga, 2012), and parks (City of Toronto, 2002).
- A number of planning initiatives will inform and will be informed by the LWC Project planning process including, including but not limited to the following: Inspiration Lakeview; Inspiration Port Credit; The Lakeview and Port Credit District Policies Review; The Port Credit Local Area Plan; and the Marie Curtis Park Revitalization Plan.
- Recreational activities in the Regional and Project Study Areas are dominated by walking, fishing, cycling, public boat launching, kite boarding/wind surfing, sea kayaking, nature appreciation, beach volleyball and dogs-off leash areas. This area is also a popular location for socially undesirable activities.
- All archaeological surveys indicated that that underlying soils were highly disturbed and that there is low potential for any remaining archaeological resources. No significant marine archaeological resources were found in the LWC Project Study Area.
- The LWC Project Study Area has a strong link with Canadian wartime history, including the Boer War, the Great War, and World War II. Within the LWC Project Study Area, a number of properties are recognized for their direct association with this history.
Jim Tovey played a key role in launch of Inspiration Lakeview
I first got to know Jim Tovey, a key figure in the launch of Inspiration Lakeview after I had written, in 2013 at this website, about opposition from Long Branch residents to an early proposal to switch the western portion of the shoreline of Marie Curtis Park from a sand beach to a pebble beach.
As things turned out, the sand beach at Marie Curtis Park was left the way it was, except for a tiny stretch of land at the western extremity of the beach. In the months leading up to the Environmental Assessment for the Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project, however, Jim Tovey had a concern, which he shared with me, that the opposition from Long Branch residents had the potential to scuttle the entire Environmental Assessment process.
Fortunately, input from the Toronto-side residents was taken into consideration, with regard to planning for the waterfront at Marie Curtis Park. The opposition subsided and the Environmental Assessment proceeded smoothly.
As I look back on the twenty-one years (1997 to 2018) that we lived in Long Branch, the Inspiration Lakeview project and similar land-use initiatives in Mississauga are among the most inspiring things that I encountered during those years.
Had I not had the opportunity to spend plenty of time observing meetings and events, related to land-use planning in Mississauga, I would not have been nearly as inspired by observing what can be achieved, under the right circumstances.
Jim Tovey passed away a year ago, on Jan. 15, 2018.
His legacy is the tremendously valuable work that other Mississauga residents are now completing.
An Aug. 29, 2018 Mississauga.com article is entitled: “Mississauga’s newest conservation area in Lakeview named after Jim Tovey: CVC board’s unanimous vote recognizes late councillor’s legacy.”