The following message is from the Long Branch Neighbourhood Association:

Ask that Night Clubs NOT be Passed at Council this week!

Thank you for writing your emails and letters to Councillor Morley.  We have had a conversation with her staff and have been advised that there was a lot of negative response from Ward 3 Constituents in regard to the Night Clubs portion of the Night Economy Policy – particularly for Lake Shore W.

We made it clear it was the night club part of this item that is the problem NOT policy that expands cultural opportunities for Long Branch.

Our main concern is City Staff proposing that City Council approve the entire policy, including introducing something new like Night Clubs, without any prior consultation with the impacted Neighbourhoods.

Many of you have received a response from the Councillor’s office stating:

Night Clubs will only be permitted in non-residential buildings. If a building contains a single residential unit, a nightclub cannot operate there;

  • We note there are processes for eviction. Additionally, on Lake Shore, there are buildings with residential units existing right next door to buildings that qualify for nightclub conversion. This policy does not address respecting tenants in these buildings.
  • The Growth Plan for Long Branch (SASP 21 and 23) plan for mixed commercial on Lake Shore with Commercial on the first floor and residential above. This policy works against that Official Plan policy. Does this make Long Branch exempt?

If located within 6.1 meters of a residential zoned area, they will be restricted in size.

  • There are many existing buildings that are 0m from a residential zone. This policy only restricts size not the permission of a night club.

To prevent bunching, a maximum of 1 nightclub in any one building; a strip mall cannot contain multiple venues licenced as nightclubs;

  • There are only 3 strip malls in Long Branch, but the rest of Lake Shore property ownership is fragmented with separate buildings butting right next to each other. So as written, this policy does not prevent bunching of night clubs along Lake Shore.

A licensing requirement that requires the submission of and compliance with a “Level 2 Noise Control Plan” which will involve review by sound engineers and City Staff.

  • We confirmed a level 2 Noise Control Plan intends to limit sound to 65 dBA .
  • However, Toronto Public Health issued a report a few years ago that stated that there is evidence that noise at this level could be detrimental to health.  (see below)
  • World Health Organization established safe sound limits of 55dBA outdoors for daytime and 40 dBA at night time.
  • Ontario Ministry of the Environment has also set safe limits of 55 dBA daytime and 50 dBA nighttime.
  • The purpose of these limits are to limit excessive noise that can cause hearing loss, negative cardiovascular effects, cognitive impacts, sleep disturbances and mental health defects.
  • 65 dBA is clearly above what is recommended for residential areas at night.

We urge you to continue to request that Night Clubs be delayed in Long Branch until Community concerns are fully addressed through policy amendments and consultation.

To date, we have not received an update from the Councillor’s office on her decision on how to get Council support for this amendment.

We encourage you to write her again to express your concerns and ask for a deferral at Council this week.

To do something – and we strongly recommend you do if you don’t want this to happen.

1. Email and/or call Councillor Amber Morley before Dec 13th to object to this and how it is being pushed through. 

Councillor Amber Morley email:
Phone:  416-397-9273

2. Email City Council before Dec 13th.   Ask for your letter to be included on Agenda Items  PH8.2 – Recommended Amendments to Zoning By-laws for Bars, Restaurants and Entertainment Venues as part of the Night Economy Review – Final Report

And also items:  EC8.13 Recommended Amendments to Chapter 545, Licensing for Bars, Restaurants, and Entertainment Venues as part of the Night Economy Review

EC8.14 Supporting the Growth of the Night Economy

City Council Email:

3. Share this with your concerned neighbours and encourage them to reach out to Councillor Morley and City Council as well ASAP.

Night Club Locations going to City Council 

  • Lake Shore Blvd W (Long Branch/New Toronto/Mimico)
  • The Queensway (Mimico Creek Valley to Kipling Ave)
  • Etobicoke Centre (Bloor Street West and Islington Avenue)
  • Thistletown (Albion Road and Islington Avenue)
Toronto Public Health.  How Loud is Too Loud? Health Impacts of Environmental Noise in Toronto.  Technical Report. April 2017
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Calling all LBNA Members and Members-in-Waiting!
We need to continue to build our membership base so we can fulfill the Long Branch Neighbourhood Mission and Goals.   Every membership counts.   Make sure yours is up-to-date and if you have not yet joined, we would ask you to do so as soon as possible.  It is just $15 a year per person.

You can pay on-line at through our secure payment portal.

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Long Branch Neighbourhood Association Mission

The Mission of the Long Branch Neighbourhood Association (LBNA) is to Protect, Celebrate and Enhance the neighbourhood of the Village of Long Branch; Protect the physical character of Long Branch; Celebrate the neighbourhood and its heritage through events and community gatherings and; Enhance the public realm and the quality of life of the neighbourhood and broader community.

Live in Long Branch and want to join?

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