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147 search results for: Graeme decarie
Message from Graeme Decarie to all his MCHS classes; plus a note about the fact that in many contexts, diplomacy in communications enhances human agency
/3 Comments/in Committee of Adjustment, Toronto Local Appeal Body, Local Planning Appeals Tribunal, Language usage, Long Branch Character Guidelines, Long Branch Neighbourhood Association, MCHS Stories, Mississauga, Newsletter, Southwestern Ontario, Stratford, Toronto/by Jaan PillGraeme Decarie has a question about 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. Can you answer his question?
/0 Comments/in Commentary, MCHS Stories, Newsletter/by Jaan PillClick here for previous posts about Graeme Decarie > On Feb. 25, 2019 Graeme Decarie (who was teaching at MCHS that year) wrote regarding the October 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis: I’ve just been watching a very long series on the Cuban Revolution. There was a point – I think it was about 1962 – that […]
Graeme Decarie reports: I’m now considering a move to Montreal or Ottawa. Moncton is boring.
/4 Comments/in Autobiography Stories - G. Decarie, MCHS Stories, Newsletter/by Jaan PillI am pleased to share the following message from the retired Concordia University history professor Graeme Decarie I’ve just been reading happy birthday e mails for August 27, 2018. I was surprised to find one just now from Diane Fagg. But it’s for August 27, 2017. I’m sure I didn’t see that last year – […]
Message from Graeme Decarie: “Well, you can tell Peggy that If I had known then what I know now, my course would been been very different”
/0 Comments/in MCHS 2015 Reunion, Newsletter/by Jaan PillThe MCHS luncheons that we’ve been organizing about once a month for some time continue to take on momentum. On Wednesday, July 25, 2018 we had a turnout, at the Mandarin Restaurant on the Queensway east of Kipling in Toronto, of seven people. Our featured guests included Peggy (Cornforth) Robinson (MCHS 1965) who reports that Graeme […]
Comments from Arleen Chenoll and Cheryl Nicholls. As well, Duncan Campbell of Long Branch remembers Graeme Decarie from high school days in Montreal.
/10 Comments/in Long Branch, MCHS Stories, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillWe’ve had some very fine comments recently added to a previous post entitled: Many changes have occurred in Cartierville where Malcolm Campbell High School was located from 1960s to late 1980s In order to bring attention to some of them, I’m pleased to share the following recent comments, from the above-noted post. Please note that […]