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243 search results for: committee of adjustment


Question regarding case of building permit that allows bigger and taller house than committee of adjustment and OMB have granted

I’ve received an interesting question. The case involves an application that been approved by both the committee of adjustment, and by the OMB on appeal, for variances to allow the owners to enlarge their house. The owners in question, as I understand, went to the city’s building department with other plans (even larger and taller than […]


Ron Jamieson of Long Branch shares four concerns regarding 27 Thirty Ninth decision by Etobicoke York Committee of Adjustment

I have been following with interest some local news updates, concerning a recent Etobicoke York Committee of Adjustment decision regarding 27 Thirty Ninth St. in Long Branch. Ron Jamieson has noted, by way of sharing highlights of recent land-use planning events: I read the Planning memorandum for 27 Thirty Ninth, and the original, dated December 27, 2017 […]


Etobicoke York Committee of Adjustment champions subjectivity in decision making

The Etobicoke York Committee of Adjustment champions subjectivity in its land-use decision making, as outlined at a recent post. In Long Branch, we have a history of developers coming in to split a lot, overbuilding on the resulting two tiny lots, hacking away at 100-year-old trees in the process, and then making a run for it, […]


Key considerations when preparing for a Committee of Adjustment or similar presentation

From time to time, I get inquiries from residents in communities outside of Long Branch – sometimes quite a distance from this community, in fact – asking for advice regarding Committee of Adjustment presentations. I always seek to reply at once, linking up inquirers with other residents in Long Branch, as there are many people […]


Recordings of Committee of Adjustment meetings are available from the City’s Customer Support Booking Centre

I have contacted the City’s Customer Support Booking Centre at 416-397-7220, and have ordered a copy of the Etobicoke York Committee of Adjustment meeting held on May 4, 2017. I will be picking up my copy at the Customer Support Office in the basement of City Hall East Tower in downtown Toronto. The cost is […]