Peopling the North American City: Montreal 1840-1900 (2011)

In a previous post I’ve highlighted several books from the Toronto Public Library that I’ve borrowed after viewing a 1993 documentary entitled The Rise and Fall of English Montreal (1993). Another book about Montreal history that I’ve written a recent Comment about, and that I want to highlight in a separate post, is entitled: Peopling […]

Fascism and the Italians of Montreal: An Oral History: 1922-1945 (1998)

I’ve added several Comments to a previous post about a 1993 documentary about English Montreal. By way of bringing attention to the Comments, I’ve created a new blog post featuring one of the Comments: Fascism and the Italians of Montreal: An Oral History: 1922-1945 (1998) I’ve also been reading Fascism and the Italians of Montreal: […]

Chapter 3: The War

This is Chapter 3 in Graeme’s Decarie’s Autobiography Stories, which he is writing for his children. Click here for previous posts regarding Autobiography Stories – Graeme Decarie > The War “Mrs. Danielson, what’s war?” It was September of 1939, and I’d heard the grown-ups and the man on the radio talking about this thing called […]

Many changes have occurred in Cartierville where Malcolm Campbell High School was located from 1960s to late 1980s

Click here to access a Trailer for All Governments Lie (2016) (opening at TIFF) >

Click here to access a Trailer for All Governments Lie (2016) (opening at TIFF) > In a recent post, about a 1993 documentary featuring an anglophone perspective on the history of Quebec, I’ve added a Comment that I’d like to feature as a separate post by way of bringing attention to it. As part of […]

Construction Kickoff Celebration for Lakeview Waterfront Connection project: Saturday, Sept. 24, 2016

An update on the Construction Kickoff Celebration  is available at a subsequent post: Waterfront piazzas, a 1.5 kilometre beach, new lakefront land the size of 48 football fields and mixed-use neighbourhoods housing 20,000 people on 250 acres of reclaimed industrial land Click here for posts about the Lakeview Waterfront Connection project> (Preserved Stories has been […]

Graeme Decarie served as historical advisor and commentator for a 1993 NFB film about the Quiet Revolution in Quebec

A companion piece to the post you are now reading is entitled: Many changes have occurred in Cartierville where Malcolm Campbell High School was located from 1960s to late 1980s.  * This post concerns an early 1990s documentary about the history of Montreal. A leader in the English rights movement in those years, Graeme Decarie served as […]

Jane Fairburn’s TRCA Executive Committee Deputation, 2016: Access the YouTube presentation here

Click here to access Jane Fairburn’s TRCA Executive Committee Deputation, 2016 > Published on Sep 7, 2016 This deputation was prepared on East Point Beach, Toronto for the TRCA’s September 9, 2016 Executive Committee meeting (Scarborough Waterfront Development Project). Click here to access previous posts about Jane Fairburn, author of Along the Shore (2013)>  

Precarious establishment: Cinema Canada article from 1978 about Canadian independent film production in the 1970s

Daniele Rossi of the Canadian Stuttering Association (CSA) recently attended the Nordic Stuttering Seminar 2016 in Finland

I’ll be presenting a workshop on Oct. 22, 2016 in Toronto at a conference of the Canadian Stuttering Association (CSA), on the anniversary of the 25th anniversary of its founding. The association, of which I’m a co-founder, was launched at the first-ever national meeting go people who stutter, which was held in Banff, Alberta in […]