Mississauga positioning itself to take ownership of historic Small Arms building – June 17, 2016 Mississauga News
A June 17, 2016 Mississauga News article is entitled: “Mississauga positioning itself to take ownership of historic Small Arms building.” The opening paragraphs read: Rich in history and a positioned at a geographical hotspot in Mississauga, the Small Arms building in Lakeview is inching closer to becoming a creative hub for environmental sciences, technology, arts […]
Photographic Estate Auction – June 19, 2016 at Royal Canadian Legion #101 in Long Branch; viewing starts 10:00 am
Following text is from the Photographic Historical Society of Canada: This Sunday, June 19, 2016 PHOTOGRAPHIC ESTATE AUCTION Excellent selection of late 20th century cameras and accessories Viewing at 10:00 AM, Auction starts 11:00 AM Royal Canadian Legion #101 3850 Lake Shore Blvd. West Toronto, ON M8W 1R3 Note: We will NOT accept any additional […]
Second annual SummerFest BBQ with MPP Peter Milczyn – Sunday, June 19, 2016 – 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm at Queensway Park
I’m pleased to share the following message from MPP Peter Milczyn’s Office: Dear Neighbour, I hope you will join me at my second annual SummerFest BBQ on: Date: Sunday, June 19, 2016 Time: 12:00 pm to 3:00 Place: Queensway Park There will be refreshments, entertainment, children’s activities and music. Something for every member of the […]
Open Streets TO is back this summer – Deadline for activity proposals is June 30, 2016
The following message is from Open Streets TO: Open Streets TO is back this summer! The program will transform nearly 7 km of Bloor Avenue and Yonge Street into an outdoor recreational route from 10 am to 2 pm on August 21 and September 18. As in previous years there will be a series of […]
Conserving Long Branch – June 2016 David Godley Update
The following update is from David Godley: Greetings Long Branch Community A fuller list of applications with Planning Department recommendations will be forwarded shortly. Meanwhile here is a summary of activity*: Applications for June 9 2016 Committee of Adjustment (COA) 1pm 78 29th Street 10 Garden Place 3pm 14 41st Street 5pm 42 Exmoor Drive […]
Soviets deported over 7,000 women, children, and elderly people from Estonia on June 14 to 17, 1941
Previous posts about Estonia (from where members of my extended family left as refugees in 1944) can be accessed here > A June 14, 2016 Estonian World article is entitled: “Pictures: Deported Estonians in Siberia.” The opening paragraphs read: In the summer of 1940, the Soviet Union occupied Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as a result […]
Jo-Ann Langley shares photo of her Parents at the front of their newly built Arcadian Circle house, early 1940s in Long Branch (Toronto)
I recently joined a Facebook group called “Did You Live In Mimico / New Toronto / Long Branch?” A number of people have shared comments, at the Facebook group, about a longread article – 10,000 words-plus – that I’ve posted at the Preserved Stories website, entitled: History of Long Branch – DRAFT 4 I’m pleased to […]
Message on the occasion of Marilyn Langevin’s retirement from the Institute for Stuttering Treatment and Research
Recently, I’ve had the opportunity to send a message to Dr. Marilyn Langevin on the occasion of her retirement from the Institute for Stuttering Treatment and Research (ISTAR) in Edmonton. My message on the occasion of Marilyn Langevin’s retirement from ISTAR I first met Dr. Marilyn Langevin when I attended a three-week ISTAR clinic in […]
Join us for a clean-up of the Marie Curtis Park beaches (east and west) on Sunday, June 26, 2016 from 10am to 12pm
A group of Long Branch residents are helping to organize a clean-up of the Marie Curtis Park beaches (east and west) on Sunday, June 26, 2016 from 10am to 12pm. Please join us for this great community event. Help keep our lake clean and our beaches free of plastic and debris! Please bring heavy […]
Question from Claire: Is this the same Cartierville School that I attended 1970-71 in its first year as a “French Immersion School”?
Updates – Part 1: Spiro Couris (please see Comment below) has noted that the school that Claire refers to was Elmgrove. Jean Anne Mason Ouelle, in an additional Comment, has also affirmed that the school was Elmgrove. By way of an additional update on the discussion, I also want to note that there has been a […]