Last-minute notes as we get closer to Oct. 17 MCHS ’60s Reunion
Click on the photos to enlarge them – including of the photos the salmon swimming and jumping; click again to enlarge them further Yearbook or age-17 or undergrad photos of Spouses/Guests To the extent it’s possible, we’d like to include yearbook (from whatever highs school) or age-17 or undergrad photos of Spouses/Guests. I’ve contacted a […]
The MCHS Sixties Reunion will take place on October 17, 2015 – text posted on June 6, 2014
This is a post that originally appeared on June 6, 2014; it was updated on Jan. 12, 2015. Some of the details are no longer current, for which reason I’ve made further revisions. For technical reasons, the post was removed and is now being posted once again. The text follows: First, we owe many thanks […]
“My time at Malcolm Campbell was one of the best years of my life” – Phys Ed teacher Soryl (Shulman) Rosenberg
Soryl (Shulman) Rosenberg will speak at our reunion on Oct. 17, 2015, sharing a few recollections about the years that she worked as a Phys Ed teacher at Malcolm Campbell High School. You can access previous posts about Soryl Rosenberg here > Soryl Rosenberg: My time at Malcolm Campbell was really one of the best […]
Principal’s Message from MCHS 1973-74 yearbook
The following massage is from Mrs. A. Schlutz. I think we have established that the teacher named Mrs. A. Schlutz is indeed the same person as the principal named Mrs. A. Schlutz. We have had no luck so far in getting information about Mrs. Schlutz in her retirement years. However, she continues to hold the […]
3526 Lake Shore Blvd. West – Marino’s to be redeveloped as townhouses and walk-up apartments
You can access the details here: backgroundfile-82831 An Aug. 18, 2015 City of Toronto Staff report notes: “This application to amend the former City of Etobicoke Zoning Code proposes 421 residential units in a series of standard and stacked townhouse blocks and walk-up apartments on lands located at 3526 Lakeshore Boulevard West. The Draft Plan of […]
Playlist for MCHS ’60s Reunion on Oct. 7, 2015 at Old Mill Toronto
We owe many thanks to Gina (Davis) Cayer (MCHS 1967) who has compiled the following playlist for our Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015 MCHS ’60s Reunion starting at 6:00 pm at Old Mill Toronto at 21 Old Mill Road. We are also having a get-together at the Conference Room at the Stay Inn at 560 Evans Ave. […]
Hurricane Hazel Talk – Thurs., Oct. 8, 2015 at Lambton House, 4066 Old Dundas St. (And a Jane’s Walk note.)
Hurricane Hazel Night At Lambton House 4066 Old Dundas Street Here’s the poster: Oct. 8th 2015[2] [See the jpeg version of the file at the end of this message.] Thursday October 8th, 2015 Dan Sandink of the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction At 7:30 PM Mr. Sandink will speak about Hurricane Hazel and Weather Now […]
Humber River Walk begins at 10:30 am on Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015. MCHS ’60s Reunion Brunch begins at 11:00 am.
Click on each image to enlarge it; click again to enlarge it further Please let Jaan Pill know – at or by text at 416-722-6630 – if you plan to attend the MCHS ’60s Reunion Brunch at Old Mill Toronto, at $35 a person. We need to let the Old Mill Restaurant know – by […]
Glenn Turner will speak about “The Toronto Carrying Place Trail” – Weston Historical Society – Oct. 7, 2015, 7:30 pm, 2245 Lawrence Ave. West
The following information has been forwarded to me and I am pleased to share it: Barbara Spyropoulos CPLC 12 Division Toronto Police Service 200 Trethewey Drive Toronto ON M6M 5E6 Tel: (416) 808-1068 Fax: (416) 808-1002 ———- Forwarded message ———- From: Edith George <> Date: 3 October 2015 at 15:57 Subject: Fwd: Weston Historical […]