Bob Carswell adds a story that goes with the 1950s Cartierville School photo
The photo in question was included in a post (and a comment at the bottom) entitled: MCHS 2015: Smaller room, more intimate space As a follow-up, Bob Carswell has added an additional comment of interest: Sometimes a story tells itself….. There is an interesting story behind the photo as well….some time ago I went into […]
If a person (such cases are case), gets a fee reduction for MCHS 2015, it gets covered by an anonymous donation
I am pleased to have the opportunity to bring your attention to an update at the following post: MCHS 2015: Smaller room, more intimate space The update reads: Please note: The fee situations where we have reduced the fee, for the reunion, have involved a person connected with the reunion making an anonymous donation to match […]
MCHS 2015: Smaller room, more intimate space
Dianne Campbell (Humphreys), Class of ’69, has kindly shared a comment at a recent post entitled: Update: The Oct. 17, 2015 MCHS Reunion will take place at the Humber Room at Old Mill Toronto By way of bringing attention to Dianne’s valuable comments and to my response, which I’m hoping will also be of some value, […]
Update: The Oct. 17, 2015 MCHS Reunion will take place at the Humber Room at Old Mill Toronto
By way of updates: I spoke today (Aug. 27, 2015) with Sheila, the Sales Executive who is our contact at Old Mill Toronto. I had contacted her recently, at Lynn Hennebury Legge’s suggestion. Humber Room in place of Brûlé Room C I have agreed with Sheila’s suggestion that we move the reunion to a smaller room. […]
Deadlines and events related to Oct. 17 MCHS ’60s Reunion & Celebration of the ’60s
I’ve been in touch with several people recently, who have an interest in knowing the details as they relate to deadlines concerning registrations, reservations for the Oct. 18 Brunch at Old Mill, and so on. Numbers are growing; we will soon be past 50 (if we’re not already there) We are currently at 46 registered, […]
Tim Hewlings shares photos of August 2015 get-together with MCHS teacher Bob Saul, age 85, in Kingston, Ontario
I was very pleased to receive a message earlier in August from Tim Hewlings (MCHS ’63) who mentioned: “I was able to find Mr. Saul on the Internet. Last week Bill Ott and I drove to Kingston and had lunch with him and his wife. He is 85 now and a bit frail but still […]
Graeme Decarie’s career as a professional wrestler
This is a story that has required some digging. We are hoping that Graeme Decarie, who lives in Moncton, New Brunswick, will be able to make it to the MCHS ’60s Reunion; we have arranged for him to have a driver who will drive him in style, from venue to venue, in the event that […]
An informal get-together for MCHS 2015 attendees (and other MCHS grads) will take place on Oct. 16, 2015 at 7:30 pm at the Stay Inn
Conference Room at Stay Inn On Sept. 21, 2015 we received confirmation that the Conference Room at the Stay Inn is indeed available for us starting at 7:30 pm on Friday evening, Oct. 16, 2015. At that time and location, we will have an informal getting-together of alumni and spouses who will be attending the reunion on the […]
David Godley shares his rating of Current OMB Hearing Officers (with regard to Long Branch)
Ratings of Current OMB Hearing Officers The following overview is from David Godley of Long Branch: On the basis of hearings in Long Branch, Toronto 1) Name; 2) Runs a Fair Hearing; 3) Comprehension of Planning; 4) Knowledge of Urban Design Carter Whitney Yes No No Hefferon […]