October 1, 2015 is the deadline to register by cheque for MCHS ’60s Reunion taking place at Old Mill Toronto on Saturday, October 17
How to register for the MCHS ’60s Reunion and Celebration of the ’60s The reunion takes place on October 17, 2015 starting at 6:00 pm at Old Mill Toronto at 21 Old Mill Rd, Toronto (416) 236-2641. As of August 20, 2015 we have forty-six (46) people who are registered and a number of people who have […]
David Godley of Long Branch (Toronto) highlights two recent meetings with Planning Staff
The following message is from David Godley: Long Branch Issues Overview August 2015 Two meetings have been held with Planning Staff recently. First with Neil Cresswell, Head of Etobicoke’s Planning Office and second with Denise Rundle who is doing a City-wide review of Committee of Adjustment processes. This is my take on the current situation. […]
In 1969-70, the whole school banded together to change the dress code
I recently came across a Comment, at one of my previous posts, from Steven Lesser. Comment from Steven Lesser regarding Newsletter #16 Newsletter #16 asks: “…in the 69-70 somewhere, the whole school banded together to change one of the rule[s] in dress code. Do you remember which part of the code was being challenged?” Do […]
August 2015 Update from David Godley – Keeping Long Branch Long Branch
The following text is from David Godley: Greetings Long Branch Residents Incremental progress is being made in stemming the destruction of Long Branch character. Please feel free to ask for clarification or additional information. Urban Design Study As noted previously, Long Branch is to be an urban design pilot study by consultants. Once completed it can […]
Graeme Decarie thinks back to 1963: “Where have all the flowers gone?” Christine Hamilton is excited about the reunion.
An update from Graeme Decarie, who writes: This afternoon, as I wrote my blog on the news – and more than horrified by the day’s news – I kept thinking of a song popular back in 1963 – “Where have all the flowers gone?” You may remember it was an anti-war song – with Vietnam […]
Additional Music Links (2)
Links from Charles Tsiang “Glen Campbell,” Charles notes, “played guitar with the Wrecking Crew before he made it on his own. We were listening to him in the 60’s before we knew it. Wonderful to see this PBS special.” Glen Campbell In Concert In Sioux Falls Links from Gina Davis Cayer (see also links from […]
Napoleonic soldiers found in mass grave starved to death – Source: The Independent, July 29, 2015
An Archaeology News Network article posted on about August 2, 2015 is entitled: “Napoleonic soldiers found in mass grave starved to death.” The opening paragraphs read: “A longstanding mystery surrounding the deaths of 3,000 soldiers from Napoleon’s army found in a mass grave in Lithuania has been solved. “The jumbled bones of the men who […]
Pamela Ireland, Maid of Honour at the wedding of Lesley Peters (nee Carswell) and Olaf Peters
The following text from Bob Carswell is an addition to a previous post entitled: Memories of Pam Ireland-Mason of Malcolm Campbell High School Maid of Honour Bob Carswell writes: My sister Lesley Peters (nee Carswell) just confirmed that Pamela Ireland was indeed her Maid of Honour at her wedding. Pamela was actually 2 years younger than […]
Essentialism as an element of postmodernist discourse
In August 2012, I spent time writing blog posts about a book by the historian Peter Burke dealing with the role of cultural theory in the study of history. I was interested to learn, in the foreword or introduction to the book, that Peter Burke had began his study of this topic when he was asked to […]
Small Arms transformation getting $1M from federal fund – July 30, 2015 Mississauga News article
A July 30, 2015 Mississauga News article by Chris Clay is entitled: “Small Arms transformation getting $1M from federal fund.” The opening paragraphs read: “MISSISSAUGA – The dream of turning the Small Arms Building in Lakeview into a hub for arts, culture, heritage and science took another step forward Thursday with an announcement that the project […]