We support community-driven urban planning at the City of Toronto

We support community-driven urban planning at the City of Toronto. We support urban planning that accords with the Official Plan for the City of Toronto. We do not support the concept that developers are qualified to serve as de facto urban planners in neighbourhoods across the City of Toronto. There is value in community self-organizing. […]

Gina (Davis) Cayer, who attended MCHS in the 1960s, shares some great winter photos from St. Williams, Ontario

At our Nov. 26, 2014 MCHS 2015 reunion organizing committee meeting in Kitchener, Gina (Davis) Cayer, who attended MCHS in the 1960s, joined us for the first time. At the meeting, Gina shared the suggestion – which we adopted at once – that when we’re mixing and mingling during the reunion, we don’t want to have […]

Upcoming OMB hearings related to Long Branch

David Godley of Long Branch has shared the following information: Upcoming OMB hearings 18 Daisy – Feb 23, 2015 25 24th Street – March 18, 2015 86 23rd Street – March 19, 2015 48 35th Street – April 23, 2015 Approved by the Committee of Adjustment 6 27th Street Refused by the Committee of Adjustment […]

Ancel Keys’s study was highly flawed and ignored contradictory research, according to Nina Teicholz

A Jan. 26, 2015 CBC The Current podcast is entitled: “‘Fat doesn’t make you fat’: Nina Teicholz’s big surprise.” The introduction to the podcast notes: “For decades now, saturated fats have been off the table for many Canadians. It’s all in keeping with the dietary law of the land: Avoid the fats to keep cholesterol […]

Memories are malleable – capable of being stretched or bent into different shapes

The year 2015 marks the 400th anniversary of Étienne Brûlé’s expedition from Orillia to Lake Ontario in 1615

Updates: Please note: Next planning meeting is at 12 Division at 10:00 am on March 23, 2015. By way of other updates related to the year 1615 and thereabouts: A March 12, 2015 Slate article is entitled: “Humanity Is a Geologic Force “as Earth-Changing as a Meteorite Strike”. The article notes: “The study’s first proposed […]

I was in Grade 4 at Cartierville School in 1955 when one morning students told me about the previous night’s Montreal Forum Riot

Humber College Interpretive Centre: Website, Open House, Vision

I am pleased to share with you the following message from L Space Gallery at the Humber College Lakeshore Campus: Interpretive Centre: Website, Open House, Vision Hello friends! I have very exciting updates. 1. Website · Our website www.lakeshoregrounds.ca is now live! 2. Open Houses · We will be conducting 2 Open Houses for community input. If […]

South Etobicoke Transit Action Committee (SETAC) is a volunteer-led transit advocacy group in Etobicoke-Lakeshore

Following text is from the SETAC website: South Etobicoke Transit Action Committee (SETAC) is a volunteer-led transit advocacy group in the Etobicoke Lakeshore area founded on the principle of better decisions through better information. We provide information and discussion about transit modes, options, routes, as well as land use and planning proposals to help Lakeshore residents, […]

The Teenage Brain: Uniquely powerful, vulnerable, not fully developed

One of the many benefits of working at organizing a 1960s high school reunion is that you get to re-visit topics that you may have forgotten about. You also pick up new information that wasn’t even know at the time. Consider a Jan. 13, 2015 headline from CBC the Current: “The Teenage Brain: Uniquely powerful, […]