Mimico 20/20 links and documents
Below are additional links, from a Dec. 4, 2011 CCFEW email, regarding Mimico 20/20: December 7 2011 community meeting notice September 2009 proceedings report City of Toronto Mimico 20/20 website page Additional details from CCFEW site
Mimico 20/20
This evening, Dec. 7, 2010, many people will be attending a meeting connected with the Mimico 20/20 Revitalization Study. The term ‘revitalization’ is a source of endless fascination for me. The interesting question will be: What does this omnibus (serving several purposes at once) term mean in the contxt of the Mimico 20/20 process? The […]
Was the Samuel Smith log cabin really previously occupied by two brothers?
Jim Gill played a key role, as President of the Long Branch Historical Society at that time, in the initiation of the 1984 preliminary archaeological survey at the Parkview School grounds. The wider context for this narrative is Military History. I mention this because the link in the previous sentence has been read by many visitors […]
The American Revolution, the First Nations, and Colonel Samuel Smith
My interest in military history arises from my current documentary project in Long Branch where I live. One of the personalities associated with Long Branch is Colonel Samuel Smith who faught in the Wars of the American Revolution. Not much is known about Colonel Smith. He’s perhaps best known for deprecations directed his way by the Scottish author and reformer Robert Gourlay after a visit to Smith’s log cabin east […]
A good presentation entertains, informs, and connects
The Fall/Winter 2011 newsletter of the Canadian Stuttering Association features an article by Jaan Pill in which he describes what he’s learned about connecting with the audience: A good presentation connects with an audience During the past twenty years of volunteer work, I have served as one of the co-founders Canadian Stuttering Association (1991), the Estonian Stuttering Association […]
Anthropology: A student’s guide to theory and practice (2009)
I enjoy reading books from the Toronto Public Library. Some writers, I’ve learned, as a reader of library books, speak with the voice of authority. It’s evident in each paragraph that they write. Stanley R. Barrett is such an author. The book by Barrett that I’ve been reading is a basic text, Anthropology: A student’s guide […]
Coordinating and celebrating student nutrition
On Friday, Nov. 18, 2011, I attended an all-day conference at FoodShare Toronto. A recent post at the FoodShare FB Page noted: “Welcoming 100+ participants today to TPSN Conference: ‘Coordinating, Supporting and Celebrating Student Nutrition.’ Workshops focusing on menu planning, student engagement, fundraising, volunteerism and more!” I’m involved with FoodShare because John English Junior Middle School has […]
Stuttering – A listener’s Guide
Jaan has spent over twenty years as a volunteer working on behalf of the worldwide stuttering community. This twenty-one minute video, edited by Steven Toepell of Bohemian Passport Services, is based on a presentation that Jaan made at a meeting of the North York Kiwanis Club in April 2011. You can access the speaking notes […]