Please note new email and website address for Long Branch Neighbourhood Association (Toronto not New Jersey)

The web address for the Long Branch Neighbourhood Association (Toronto not New Jersey) is: The email address is: Much excellent work has been completed, over the past several years, in getting the association up and running. In my experience, the quality of the planning is an essential element in the long-term success of […]

We had a great time (many entertaining stories!) at MCHS lunch meeting on Feb. 12, 2018 in Toronto

Photo by Bettina von Zwehl: Very young children demonstrate a characteristic – and impressive – sense of dignity, and powers of observation

When you are selling your house in Long Branch (or anywhere), first do your homework

In the course of research related to house-selling in Long Branch, we have come across a situation where a developer some time back offered slightly over $1-million for a house in Long Branch, with the intention of severing the lot. The house-seller in question, however, had a great real-estate company to work with. A person can […]

Jim Tovey (1949-2018), CVC Board Member and Councillor of Mississauga Ward 1, discusses progress on Lakeview Waterfront Connection project

Click here for previous posts about Jim Tovey > Click here for previous posts about Lakeview Waterfront Connection project > Click here for previous posts about Credit Valley Conservation > I am pleased to share the following tweet and YouTube link from Credit Valley Conservation. CreditValleyCA Published on Feb 2, 2018 In loving memory of […]

Respect creates its own narrative

In the course of my life, I’ve faced the usual numbers of trials and tribulations. From time to time, I’ve learned things that have stood me in good stead. One of the things I have learned, with regard to life’s challenges, is that respect speaks its own language. Respect, that is. creates its own narrative. […]

Conserving Long Branch – February 2018 update from David Godley

Attached files from David Godley: 2233rdmyths coa2018 jimtovey lbcgcouncil Please note: I will no longer be uploading David’s updates, once I have moved from Long Branch, which will be later in the current year. (I will, however, be working on books and videos related to my family’s years in Long Branch.) If you wish to […]

On Wednesday, January 31, 2018, Toronto Council unanimously adopted the Long Branch Neighbourhood Character Guidelines with amendment by Councillor Grimes

The following message is from the Long Branch Neighbourhood Association: Another step towards thoughtful planning in Long Branch! On Wednesday, January 31, 2018, our City Council adopted the Long Branch Neighbourhood Character Guidelines with the following amendment by Councillor Grimes. “That the guidelines be used by home builders, the community, City staff, committees and appeal […]

Traffic light to replace crosswalk on Brown’s Line in south Etobicoke – Etobicoke Guardian, Feb. 1, 2017

A Feb. 1, 2017 Etobicoke Guardian article is entitled: “Traffic light to replace crosswalk on Brown’s Line in south Etobicoke: Councillors, residents’ association president hope move slows traffic.”