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91 search results for: human capital


Narcoland (2013) describes a disastrous “war on drugs” that has led to more than 80,000 deaths in Mexico since its inception in 2006

Over the years, I’ve written several posts about the War on Drugs. One post, by way of example, is entitled: The Drug Wars in America, 1940-1973 (Kathleen J. Frydl, 2013) A key point in the above-noted study is that national drug laws have to do with power. It has to do with the assertion, enactment, and […]


Highly successful In Situ event at Small Arms Building in Mississauga, Oct. 27 to 29, 2016: Great turnout, great sense of organization

I am delighted that I had the opportunity, on the evening of Saturday, Oct. 29, 2016, to attend an In Situ event at the Small Arms Building in Mississauga. We were impressed with the turnout, the enthusiasm, and the great sense of organization. The event appealed to groups of all ages. It was clear that every detail […]


Perceptions of warmth and competence drive our stereotypes: Cuddy et al. (2008)

This post deals with bias and prejudice. I first highlight a recent Guardian article, after which I outline recent academic research related to the dynamics of bias and prejudice. An Aug. 16, 2016 Guardian article is entitled: “The dark history of Donald Trump’s rightwing revolt.” The subhead reads: “The Republican intellectual establishment is united against […]


Small Arms Society Update – We Need Your Help – Message from Diane LaPointe-Kay, President, Small Arms Society

Click here for previous posts regarding the Small Arms Society > I am pleased to have the opportunity to share with you the following message from Diane LaPointe-Kay, President, Small Arms Society: Dear Friends of the Small Arms Building, On Wednesday June 15th, at the City of Mississauga – General Committee, the Mayor and Members of Council […]


Barrio Rising: Urban Popular Politics and the Making of Modern Venezuela (2015)

In previous posts I have spoken about Venezuela. Barrio Rising: Urban Popular Politics and the Making of Modern Venezuela (2015) is a valuable additional resource regarding the history of Venezuela. A publisher’s blurb (which I’ve broken into shorter paragraphs) for the book reads: In the mid-1950s, in an effort to modernize Venezuela, the military government […]


Chinese gated communities feature social clustering, micro-governing, and social engineering

In The Government Next Door (2015), Luigi Tomba describes five “rationalities” whereby the Chinese state has maintained control over local neighbourhoods during the transition from socialism to capitalism, namely: Social clustering micro-governing social engineering contained contention, and exemplarism Homogeneity of collective interests In Chapter 1 of the above-noted, exquisitely well-organized study, Luigi Tomba notes that “Communities are places […]