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132 search results for: democracy


Chinese gated communities feature social clustering, micro-governing, and social engineering

In The Government Next Door (2015), Luigi Tomba describes five “rationalities” whereby the Chinese state has maintained control over local neighbourhoods during the transition from socialism to capitalism, namely: Social clustering micro-governing social engineering contained contention, and exemplarism Homogeneity of collective interests In Chapter 1 of the above-noted, exquisitely well-organized study, Luigi Tomba notes that “Communities are places […]


Fortress America: Gated Communities in the United States (1997) serves as a classic study regarding gated communities

I’ve been reading several books about gated communities in countries around the world, beginning with The Government Next Door (2015), which I have discussed in previous posts. Fortress America (1997) The latter study refers to Fortress America: Gated Communities in the United States (1997) among other resources. Fortress America (1997), like The Government Next Door (2015) […]


Role of other classes, aside from middle class, in China

Recent posts concern research related to the middle class in China. A related addressed topic in  Government Next Door (2015) is the role of other classes, in China aside, from the increasingly wealthy middle class. Luigi Tomba speaks (pp. 148-149) of a proactive role for the middle class and “advanced forces” in “moralizing society.” He notes this role […]


Application of linguistic anthropology to study of new housing and residential spaces in China

A previous post highlights research by Luigi Tomba regrading new housing and residential spaces in China: The Government Next Door: Neighborhood Politics in Urban China (2015) A useful companion piece to Tomba’s study is a project, aimed at professionals in the United States, entitled Community Organizing: Theory and Practice (2015). In the current post I wish to […]


The Government Next Door: Neighborhood Politics in Urban China (2015) addresses the translation of hegemonic discourses

A blurb at the Toronto Public Library website for The Government Next Door: Neighborhood Politics in Urban China (2015) by Luigi Tomba notes that, “At times of conflict and in daily interactions, the penetration of the state discourse about social stability becomes clear.” China’s political and social change In The Government Next Door (2015) Luigi Tomba, addresses how stories are […]


A great community of wealthy nations has slowly undermined the relatively stable climate that has insulated human civilizations

I’ve mentioned in a previous post that I enjoy a recent book that I came across about the history of Japan: Japan: A Concise History (2015) critiques narratives related to humanity’s impact upon the environment  I’ve devoted the current post to the book, as a way to bring added attention to it. The book’s concluding […]


Japan: A Concise History (2015) critiques narratives related to humanity’s impact upon the environment

Updates: A Sept. 30, 2015 New York Times article is entitled: One of the World’s Most Powerful Central Bankers Is Worried About Climate Change.” An Oct. 1, 2015 CBC article is entitled: “Mark Carney wants business to calculate the fossil fuel future: Bank of England governor’s climate change warning puts the focus on the bottom […]