Cartierville School brings to mind other Montreal schools – Parkdale, Elmgrove, Morison, Laurentide, High School of Montreal, and Malcolm Campbell High School

This photo is from a link (see Comments section, below) that Robert Crone has shared with us. He notes that the spelling is Morison not Morrison. It’s great to have that information!
A May 2017 CBC interactive webpage is entitled: “Montreal is 375 years old, but how old are its buildings?”
A May 17, 2017 Montreal Gazette article is entitled: “Montreal’s history did not start 375 years ago.”
I was very pleased to receive a comment from Yvonne regarding a previous post about Cartierville School, which was attended by some of the students who attended Malcolm Campbell High School, for which a Sixties reunion is planned for Oct. 17, 2015.
You can access Yvonne’s comment at the Comments section at the end of this post.
As well, Robert Crone has added a spelling correction – only one “R” in Morison – in an additional comment. He’s also shared a link to the photo that you see on the left. If you go to the link, you can see the names of the students – or at least the names that are know.
This is a good time to catch up on what people have mentioned in recent emails about Cartierville School.
First, Lynn L. has mentioned that she too went to Cartierville Public School, along with Marianne and Linda K. Barclay A., Doreen V., Diane L. to name a few.
Barclay played pro ball and last Lynn heard he and Linda S. (his wife) were living out west. Lynn also remembers Howard H. as she too went to Cartierville school up to grade 7.
Town of Mount Royal
“It only went to Grade 7,” Lynn reports, “then I did grade 8 at Town of Mount Royal and then onto Malcolm Campbell. We were bussed into Cartierville School, from Saraguay, as well as the kids as far as Dollard if I remember correctly, plus of course Cartierville itself. The school was still open in the early 60s became a English Catholic school if I remember correctly, will check this with Marianne [K]. It was on the west side of the town across from the sanatorium. I remember Belmont Park, snuck in many times through the back river area.”
Lynn also mentioned the Cartierville Boating Club, which she mentioned has a not recently updated web page:
Parkdale, Elmgrove, Morison, Laurentide
Another person has mentioned: “Come to think of it, I lived in the same place on St. Germain all through school and I got bounced around to Elmgrove, Parkdale, Laurentide and Morison. I think MCHS [Malcolm Campbell High School] had kids from all of those schools.”
High School of Montreal
As well, a number of us attended grade 8 at Montreal High: “MCHS was still under construction,” as one email has noted, “and we didn’t go there until grade 9.”
Among the people remembered from the High School of Montreal are Mr. Mitchell, the Scotsman who taught us Latin. There was also Mr. Scott that taught music. As well, from grade 8, I remember our homeroom teacher, Mr. Levine. A veteran who would sometimes share stories with us about his experience in the Second World War, Mr. Levine once gave me a written assignment as a penalty for some classroom infraction.
I had to write an essay of about 2,000 or 3,000 words – I forget the exact word count – and it had to be handed in the next morning. I assume kids hated getting that kind of a punishment. He expected I would work all night after school to get it done. Instead, as soon as I was told of the punishment, I began writing the essay at once, while sitting at my desk. For the rest of that day, while Mr. Levine was talking and classes were proceeding, I was writing, keeping eye contact with him from time to time, to show I was paying attention to the lesson, and focusing on my writing at every other moment that was available to me. Then at the end of the day, I presented the essay to him, with a flourish. It was a well written essay. I knew that because I could write well and got good grades in English Literature and Composition.
I know it made an impression on him. Years later, a friend of mine told me that Mr. Levine would sometimes stop to tell his class the story of this student, who was in his class years before. He would explain how he’d handed out this very long essay assignment to the student as a punishment, expecting he would have to work on it for hours and hours at home after school. And at the end of the day, Mr. Levine would explain, the student comes up to the teacher with a big smile and says, “Mr. Levine, here’s your essay! It’s exactly the length that you requested!”
It is as though I fell into a time capsule. Yes I do remember Lynn Hennebury and Barclay Allen.
I will pass out some names to see if anyone knows of these folks. We were all in grade 7 at Cartierville E S. Over the years we all went on to TMR and then Malcolm Campell.
Barkley Allen was best friends with Peter Jort. Last time I saw these guys was in a bar on Bishop street in Montreal. Lets see if Lynn remembers the day Mrs, Jackson had to strap Daniel Beaubry.
He lived out my way in Pierrefonds.( A Maie Baie) back then. Several years later he and Kyle Lawrence, a fellow called Roberts broke into Malcolm and committed acts of vandalism. Daniel, a Swiss citizen was deported.
Does she remember Diane Hood,from Pierrefonds Jeff Haberfield from Saraquay,also Wolfgang Kater and a Dutch boy from Saraguay who lived on the other side of the tracks. He had to cross them every day to get to the center and one nights he was killed by the train.
From Roxboro also came Jenne Dai. He was killed on a scooter his first year in college.
Names like Terry Maclean, Kenny Lawrence all come to meas Roxboro folks we shared some of our lifes path with. Lynn do you remember that Kyle’s parents were the custodians at the ES?
I remember Ken Lawrence was keen to study history at McGill. Do you have any more details about him?
Yes, I remember many of the names you mention. Great to visit the time capsule. It welcomes visitors.
Wolfgang Kater and I did our Music degrees at McGill at the same time. After graduation, he set up shop building harpsichords in Ormstowm. Still there as far as I know. Haven’t seen him for a long time.
That’s a great link about Wolfgang Kater’s life work. It’s interesting that he was self-taught, in the making of musical instruments, and that he started building them at age 11. In high school he spoke of his enthusiasm for building guitars. I think I recall he brought one to show at Malcolm Campbell High School. It was an impressing looking instrument.
Wolfgang Kater was close friends with Jenning D and Harry B. Their deaths had a strong impact on Wolfgang, according to a conversation I had with a mutual friend from MCHS some decades ago. Which friend it was, in Toronto, who told me this I do not know. So many things I remember, and sometimes very clearly, and so many things I forget.
Lynn L has sent me a message (I’ve turned last names into initials):
“We are sure going back a few years,” Lynn says, “yes I remember Mrs Jackson giving him the strap – I went home and got verbal with my Mom who was a friend of Mrs. Jackson and back then I sure was put in my place – moving onto high school I remember Billy R he lived one street over from Marianne K and ended up marrying one of the Lawson sisters from Dollard area. Bill also was friends with Peter and Barclay through the boating club. Elaine my sister reminded me that Kyle used to date my cousin Pat O – she now lives out west and her brother Barry who is married to Jackie M. lived in Dollard for many years and moved to Ontario about three years ago.
“Each time I hear from you more names from the past pop up.”
Howard Hight: Here’s a question for you. Do you remember the story you told us about a young woman of about 17, I guess somewhere in your neighbourhood, who ran away from home for a few days? Without getting into names, can you tell me how the story turned out in the long run? That is, how did life proceed after the runaway story ended?
I recall you had a flair for tuning into such stories and sharing them with us at school.
The part that I recall was that she ran away with her boyfriend, drove away in a car, I guess, and engaged in varied escapades, which she duly recorded in detail in her diary, which her mother of course got a hold of, after which Howard Hight got hold of the story and we all heard about it at MCHS. Without the diary, there would not have been a story worth telling.
That’s a synopsis of the story, resonant with the concept of teenage rebellion. It also occurs to me that person to person telling of stories, the keeping of diaries (for those who kept diaries), hours-long conversations on landline telephones, the occasional sending of telegrams, train rides across Canada, the writing of letters sent through Canada Post, sports and athletics and a wide range of pastimes. and the lyrics and melodies and rhythms of rock ‘n roll and other music all played a strong role in creating our individual and shared identities, in those years.
I graduated in 69, but just to mention a lot of kids from Glencoe School in New Bordeaux attended Malcolm as well.
That’s most interesting. It’s something I hadn’t thought about, Jacques. I would be really interested to know more about Glencoe School, and about New Bordeaux. For me, it’s like the opening of a door to a world that I know only vaguely. I really look forward to learning more.
A minor spelling correction… only 1 letter R in Morison School. I have pics of the class of 1967 from Morison at the link above. I must get around to updating it.
Some years later… 1962 I went to Morison from kindergarten through grade 4 (teachers; Mrs Barron, Miss Phillip’s, Mrs Talpis, Mrs Hazel…then moved to Cartierville with Mrs Boothroyd as principal, and Barklay’s mom Mrs Allen as school secretary.
Centennial year 1967 brought nationwide celebration, but montreal had Expo ’67. What exciting times that made for school activities. Music teacher Ms Stokes had us all learning centennial songs for school concerts, Mr Brown for Phys ed was taking us horseback riding at Bois Franc stables, we visited Expo and Ottawa for class trips.Neighbors were taking advantage if government grants to renovate their homes to house tourists on the “lodge expo” program.
Malbourough golf course had been closed and abandoned to let nature run wild as well as kids of surrounding neighborhoods… building forts, tobogganing even campfires on dark winter nights.
Blvd Keller was nothing more than an entrance at Toupin and Somerset with a bike path in between. Park noel was the sparkling blue gem of a public pool that occupied kids all summer long for only a dime a day. With bike racks enough for a hundred bikes I’m sure.
Cartierville school as we knew it would forever change as Quebec began to legislate language laws an Cartierville would become an a grand experiment in french immersion ~1969 there would be no more elementary classes there, only grade 7’s in every class. The rest of the elementary classes were transferred to Parkdale.
This is great information, Robert. I’ll make the corrections.
I’ve added the photo to the top of this blog post. I’ve noted that your link also includes the names of the students – or as many names as are known.
Bells are ringing all over my head !
In 19 70-71? Carterville was converted from a sparsely populated elementary school to an entire school of grade 7 Emerson it was the school boards first foray into French immersion. Everyone else was transferred to alternate schools and St. Louis wrong residence attended Parkdale my grade 7 teacher was George Morgan .He was the piper who would open up Ogilvie’s every morning with his broad accent and bagpipes in tow.
There is mention of Barkeley Allan during my years at Carterville his mother Mrs. Allen was the school secretary to principal Mrs. Boothroyd. he was dating a beautiful blonde and as we were younger kids looked up to the teenagers the rumor was she was the lead singer for The Bells. I was classmates with a girl whose family belonged to the boating club Jane Scribner her older brother’s name was Jamie and her sister Sherry . We would venture over there occasionally .
Us for memories of Saraguay what’s Stands out in my mind is the shepherd family with 15 children ! There was almost one child in every grade at Carterville and Malcolm Campbell !
Sorry for so many errors posting from my iPhone in the sunshine have a great day !
funny you should mention the sheppards..I married the oldest girl Debbie who has sinced passed losing a fight with cancer.went to MCHS in the early 60’s
Bob I’m so sorry for your loss.
What an incredible family they were.
Wonderful to read your comments. Janet. We never worry about the errors!
Fun to read these stories …. I went to Glencoe Elementary when it first opened ( I had gone to school in Ahunsic before construction was completed. AT that time New Bordeaux was pretty newly developed. I attended Cartierville for Grade 7 French Imersion – I remember a group of parents got together and arranged for Taxies to pick us up each morning to take us to school.
Grade 8 was at Malcolm Campbell HS in 1971-72.
Wonderful to read your recollections, Brenda. It’s most interesting to learn the details that you outline!
Elmgrove was the name of the grade 7 French emerson school off O’Brian in eastern St. Laurent.
Glencoe opened its doors in 1965. I transferred from Ahuntsic School on L’Acadie to the new Glencoe School for grades 1-6. Teachers there included Miss Paula Fisher, Miss Kurtzman who married and became Mrs Ackman, Mr Truin, Mrs. Vaintrub, Mrs. Lorie. It was located on de Poutrincourt, corner of Charles Gill. One principal was Mr. Neil Macgregor, who went on the work at the Douglas Hospital school.
Malcolm Campbell Hgh School had a grade 7, where as most of the other elementary schools finished with a grade 7. So the Glencoe kids went to MCHS for grade 7 and the other feeder schools joined us at MCHS in grade 8. One principal was Mrs Schultz.
Most delightful to read these details Sanda! From time to time, people have asked if they know anything about the retirement years for Mrs Schultz. So far, we have not been able to get any information about that stage of her life.
I stumbled upon this site today. It brought back a flood of memories. I lived on O’Brian right next door to Gordon and Robert Crone, right behind Val and Geordie Cootes. Went to Morison from 1960 to 67. Then went to High School at Stanstead with Alan Kift and David Salman, then on to Bishop’s University. Moved out to Edmonton in the 80’s and have lost touch with everyone. Came across a hockey team pic from Cousineau Park and think that Malcolm Harrison and Stephen Franks were on that team also
Wonderful to read your memories from the past, Don. I much enjoy that people are visiting this website, reading things about long ago that people remember about Cartierville and nearby neighbourhoods.
I get together for lunch in the Greater Toronto Area about once a month with people from Malcolm Campbell High School from many years past. At our most recent get together, we talked about O’Brian as it’s a street that many of us have either lived on, or have lived nearby.
I want to add that people connected with MCHS or the elementary schools in the area, from years ago, are most welcome to join us for these lunch get togethers. Just send an email to me at and we can let you know details of upcoming meetings.
Help anyone, trying to find old classmates from Glencoe Elementary School in Montreal. Years I attended are from 1968 to 1971 and then left for Los Angeles as my permanent home. I have old pictures of all my classmates and only first names not last. My mobile number is 310-663-3633
My sister and I attended Cartierville School in the early 1950’s. Our grandmother lived at the corner of Somerset and Bruton. We remember the Allen’s, the Gilbert’s, the Louthoods, the Leblancs, and the Lefebvres. We played on the Marlborough golf course, skiing the hills and skating the ponds in the winter and climbing the trees in the summer when the greens keeper wasn’t around. It was a wonderful neighborhood to grow up in.
I just stumbled on this site. I attended Cartierville School (1965-70), Parkdale (1970-72), Elmgrove for the Immersion program (1972-73) then Malcolm Campbell through to graduation in 1977. Fond memories of all of them as well as the neighbourhoods. Lived across the street from Noel North with Miss McCormick as a back-door neighbour (MC biology teacher). Spent time collecting tadpoles on the old golf course and walking the forest out to Saraguay. Church was on O’Brien and swam for years at the Neighbourhood Assoc. on Decarie next to Parkdale. Did anyone else do Woolworths or Banvilles pastries for lunch or Perrettes at the corner of Dudemaine? Favorite memory of Cartierville – field day in the yard under majestic trees. Also remember Mrs Carpenter, Mrs. Talbot, Miss Hoare (a name to remember!!), Mrs Renfrew and Mr K for gym. I’ll stop here as I could ramble forever. PS was in Susan Sheppard’s class!!
Wonderful to read your recollections Nancy! It’s wonderful to read so many details. Most interesting!
I’m surprised that I didn’t stumble into this conversation earlier! Maybe I did and just don’t see the post above.MCHS 1962 and a trail that went they HSM Cartierville Parkdale and Rlmgrove so probably lots of intersections with previous posters but maybe I’m a year or so older than most. Names going back to Norgate and Roxboro: Olaf Tomiuk(discovered he had passed a couple years ago but found his sister in FB!), Jennifer Sutton ( friends with younger brother Peter also discovered via FB), Steve Truax ( where are you Steve? Used to be on FB), Shelly Anderson, Liz Alleslev, Barry Suggett, Peter Van Toorn ( discovered he became a famous poet!) , Tom von Eicken, Linda and Peggy Chow, Jenning and Sheila Dai, Arista Tsipuras, Dick Saunders, Kai Voigt, Alexander ?, Keith Henderson (little sister Coral), Kathy Rutherford, … many more!