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123 search results for: Parkview School
I became a supporter of Pamela Gough in 2011, when she played a key role in ensuring that Parkview School, near the Long Branch Go station, stayed in public hands
/0 Comments/in Long Branch, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillI became a supporter of Pamela Gough in 2011, when she played a key role in ensuring that Parkview School, at 85 Forty First St. near the Long Branch Go station, stayed in public hands. In any such successful community self-organizing project, many people usually play a key role. That is the nature of such […]
The 2011 Parkview School story remains a source of inspiration and celebration for local residents in South Etobicoke
/0 Comments/in Long Branch, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillThe Parkview School story remains a source of inspiration and celebration for local residents in South Etobicoke. The school in question, as we learned in October 2010, was being sold by the Toronto District School Board as the property was surplus to its needs. In the end, it was sold to the French public school […]
I strongly support the Ontario Liberals because of their work on behalf of early childhood education – and because they ensured Parkview School remains in public hands
/0 Comments/in Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillI strongly support Peter Milczyn in the Etobicoke-Lakeshore byelection. I strongly support the legacy of Laurel Broten, who served for 10 years as the MPP for Etobicoke-Lakeshore serving in many important key positions. Having spent many years working with very young children and later as an elementary school teacher, I’m aware of research such as […]
My interest in the Wesley Mimico United Church redevelopment process began with my involvement with the Parkview School project
/0 Comments/in Newsletter/by Jaan PillThis blog post describes how I developed an interest in the unfolding story involving the redevelopment of the Wesley Mimico United Church located at 2 Station Road in Mimico. I live in Long Branch, not Mimico. I’m not a member of the United Church. Yet the story of the church is of much interest to […]
The text for the 2011 Parkview School letter was developed with input from many sources
/0 Comments/in Long Branch, Newsletter/by Jaan PillThe text for the 2011 Parkview School letter was developed with input from many sources From time to time, we’re asked to share details regarding the text that we used in the letter writing campaign connected with the successful effort to keep Parkview School in public hands. The letter went through several versions, in the […]