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218 search results for: colonel samuel smith


Launch of SO THIS IS TEACHING – July 12, 2018, 6-8pm at 2 Colonel Samuel Smith Park Drive at Lake Shore and Kipling

I am pleased to share the following early-morning July 12, 2018 tweet from Lakeshore Grounds @LakeshoreGrnds: TONIGHT! Join us for the launch of SO THIS IS TEACHING. Step back into the 1960s-1970s and explore a revolution in teaching through the Lakeshore Teachers’ College. Launch runs 6-8pm at 2 Colonel Samuel Smith Park Drive #LakeshoreGrounds #EtobicokeLakeshore […]


Reports of dead raccoons & dogs with marijuana poisoning in Humber College & Colonel Samuel Smith Park area

From Long Branch Neighbourhood Watch: Reports of dead raccoons & dogs with marijuana poisoning in the Humber College and Colonel Samuel Smith Park area. Keep your cats indoors and dogs on leash. Etobicoke Guardian article A Jan. 28, 2016 Etobicoke Guardian article is entitled: “Useful tips, in aftermath of suspected dog poisoning cases in south […]


History of Colonel Samuel Smith

This post is concerned with one of the topics at the June 13, 2015 Long Branch Fest Community Storytelling Panel that will be taking place starting at 8:00 pm at the corner of Twenty Ninth Street and Lake Shore Blvd. West. Colonel Samuel Smith Below are Speaking Notes for the presentation about the History of Colonel […]


Colonel Samuel Smith Park and address on Thirty Ninth Street in Long Branch featured in wiretap evidence

I was interested to learn that a recent police report related to Rob Ford’s activities mentions Colonel Samuel Smith (misspelled in the report as “Colonial Samuel’s”) Park. The report notes (p. 22 in the PDF file, which is p. 51 of the original document) that the mayor fabricated a story in which he claimed to have […]