Indigenous creations, hoarded for years by the federal government, get an audience at last (Toronto Star, Sept. 24, 2017)

A Sept. 24, 2017 Toronto Star article is entitled: “An Indigenous art stash, nudged into the light: Indigenous creations, hoarded for years by the federal government, get an audience at last.” The article notes: “raise a flag: works from the Indigenous Art Collection,” the inaugural exhibition of OCAD University’s OnSite Gallery, 199 Richmond St. West, […]

An archeological find at St. Lawrence Market. The story echoes a recurring theme, with regard to Toronto and its history

A Sept. 25, 2017 Toronto Star article is entitled: “Recognizing the value in the drain: It is wrong for Mayor John Tory to reject preserving an archeological find at St. Lawrence Market in the name of reducing costs.” Commentary My commentary is implicit in the title I have chosen, for this post. I am pleased […]

Long Branch Alumni Association: A group connecting people who used to live in Long Branch (Toronto not New Jersey)

From time to time, people move out of Long Branch, and people move in. Each person, who moves from Long Branch, carries memories, based on her or his experiences, during a particular span of time. I have in mind the creation of an informal association of people who used to live in Long Branch. This is […]

Long Branch Neighbourhood Character Guidelines public meeting is on Sept. 26, 2017 at 6:30 pm, at the Ken Cox Community Centre

Etobicoke Guardian article regarding SvN Architects + Planners SvN Architects + Planners is involved with development of the ongoing Long Branch Urban Design Guidelines pilot project. A Sept. 19, 2017 Etobicoke Guardian article is entitled: “Firm wins Toronto design award for Six Points’ junction transformation: Pedestrians, cyclists included in expanded public realm design.” A Sept. 13, […]

Please send a letter today to help save the trees in front of No Frills (Brown’s Line & Lake Shore)

I have sent the following email to Ward 6 Councillor Mark Grimes and I urge you to do the same today; you can use my text as a template: Good afternoon I would like to add my voice to those residents who wish to request that the trees at No Frills (as described in […]

Some find it comforting to think of life as a story. Others find that absurd. (Sept. 3, 2015 Aeon essay)

A Sept. 3, 2015 Aeon essay is entitled: “I am not a story.” The subtitle reads: “Some find it comforting to think of life as a story. Others find that absurd. So are you a Narrative or a non-Narrative?” Given my interest in story management, and related topics such as storytelling, I found the article […]

Air Traffic Noise Issue – Toronto Pearson Sept. 27, 2017 CENAC Meeting: location and time change

Following message includes this attached file: CENAC_Sept_27_Ad_FINAL_REV The following message is from ZZG-Community Engagement at Good Afternoon, I am writing to share an update with a change of time and location for the September 27 CENAC meeting. This meeting with be dedicated the release of the Noise Management Program Benchmarking and Best Practices Study. […]

Heritage York’s SPECIAL and Up-coming Events at Lambton House

The following message is from Lambton House, whose volunteer work in celebration of local history (including local history, in the past largely neglected, and/or vastly distorted, in settler-society accounts) related to the First Nations peoples of Canada) I strongly support: Attached file: Geraldine Moodie vignette 30 Sep 17 SATURDAY, 30 SEPTEMBER – Geraldine Moodie Vignette […]

August 2017 DRAFT of Long Branch Neighbourhood Character Guidelines available online; Oct. 10 is deadline for comments

This draft makes for good reading; I highly recommend the reading of this document: August 2017 DRAFT Long Branch Neighbourhood Character Guidelines Background By way of background, a post regarding the PREVIOUS DRAFT [February 2017] is entitled: February 2017 draft of Long Branch (Toronto) Urban Design Guidelines document is available online Please note the Sept. […]

Long Branch Neighbourhood Character Guidelines – Sept. 26, 2017 public meeting at 6:30 pm

The following text is from a notice distributed in Long Branch by the Councillor Mark Grimes’ Office: * Long Branch Neighbourhood Character Guidelines Dear Neighbour, The City is hosting a community consultation meeting to hear from you. Details are as follows: Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 Time: 6;30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Place: Ken Cox […]