Would a workplace without managers work?
A July 29, 2015 Globe and Mail article is entitled: “Holacracy: Would a workplace without managers work?” The article highlights an approach to getting things done that strongly appeals to me. In 30 years of volunteer work, it’s been my anecdotal experience that what I like to call a flat-hierachy approach to getting things done […]
American Racism in the ‘White Frame’ – July 27, 2015 New York Times article
A July 27, 2015 New York Times article is entitled: “American Racism in the ‘White Frame.’ ” I have thought of adding a link to the above-noted article as an update to previous posts about military history and related topics, including the concept of extremely violent societies. However, the July 27, 2015 New York Times article […]
Memories of Pam Ireland-Mason of Malcolm Campbell High School
Update The 1968 photo of Pam Ireland and Bob May (below) is from Fred Benedikt, who also has a recent comment at the end of this post. Fred writes, “I have a picture to include with my recent post Re: Pam Ireland. It is the picture discussed by her friend Irene …the prom with Bob […]
The OMB’S 7 Deadly Sins: Message from David Godley of Long Branch, Toronto
An earlier post is entitled: Amalgamated Toronto Provincial Review – Template for submission. Deadline is Aug. 7, 2015. Please write a letter today. Please refer to the above-noted post. Your opinion matters, regarding the Review that is now under way; please let you views be known. Please send your comments to the address indicated; the […]
First World War talk at Toronto Archives, August 5, 2015: Little-know realities faced by returning veterans
We owe thanks to David Juliusson for passing along these details about the talk on August 5, 2015. History lecture at Toronto Archives This year’s Toronto History Lecture at the Toronto Archives will focus on the little-known realities faced by veterans returning from the First World War. The illustrated presentation by historian Jonathan Scotland will […]
Grade 7 photo, 1958 – Ahuntsic School (with thanks to Noreen McMillan)
We owe thanks to Noreen McMillan, a member of the Entertainment Subcommittee for the MCHS 2015 Reunion taking place in Toronto on October 17, 2015, for sharing this photo. Noreen McMillan requests that if you have a photo of the Grade 7 class that Mrs. Harris taught, please share it with us. “Attached is […]
The solution is located within the problem; the solution gives rise to another great problem
A July 25, 2015 article at the Canadian Stuttering Association website is entitled: Community Involvement and Stuttering. The text, based upon a draft that I wrote on the morning of July 24, 2015 while on vacation in Prince Edward Island, reads as follows: It all began with a problem. The problem was that, fifty years […]
Seeking information regarding Mrs. Schlutz, who taught at MCHS
A number of people have been seeking information about Mrs. Schlutz, who taught at Malcolm Campbell High School. Gina (Davis) Cayer has commented: “”She was my grade 2 teacher before she came to MCHS. Her daughter Barbara went through elementary school with me and MCHS also. Can’t find any info on either one.” I checked […]
Can you help us to set up online video conferencing for the MCHS 2015 Reunion?
This post seeks to gather together some of the volunteer projects that MCHS Alumni are involved in, or have suggested, in connection with the MCHS 2015 Reunion. Skype video session Charles Tsiang has suggested, in a November 19, 2014 message, that it might be a great idea to have “a mega Skype video session for […]
Picnic at Bala Falls – August 8, 2015 from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm
Picnic at Bala Falls The following notice is from the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario | Muskoka Branch: August 8, 2015 from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm Bring your own picnic and enjoy this timeless pass time at one of Muskoka’s most treasured spots. Parking across from Don’s Bakery/Portage Landing, 3119 Muskoka Road 169, Bala. Add […]