1966-67 Sewing Club at Malcolm Campbell High School
Sewing Club, 1966-67 Third Row: J. Hardy, P. Lindsay, D. Plant, S. Lecouffe, E. Haynes, W. Walker, W. Bristol, T. Halladay, M. Fialkow, N. Warner. Second Row: M. Linderman, C. Pyndus, F. Koropatkin, D. Barber, G. Morrissette, P. Clayton, E. Greenaway, E. Greenaway, L. Orr, H. Seale, L. Calzone, Mrs. Clark. First Row: M. Ritchie, C. […]
May 2015 photos of Cartierville School, Church of Good Shepherd, and MCHS
Scott Munro (MCHS ’63) was in Montreal for an academic conference early in May 2015. He brought back some photos, which I am pleased to share at this post. I believe I may have posted these photos at the MCHS Facebook Group pages that we post material to. If you’re seeing this more than once, […]
Women of Intelligence: Winning the Second World War with Air Photos (2012)
Women of Intelligence: Winning the Second World War with Air Photos (2012) is a remarkable book and for that reason I have decided to write this post. I have discussed the topic of women of intelligence in previous posts including: Women’s roles in Special Operations during the Second World War The Woman With the X-Ray […]
Cloverdale Mall and Sherway Gardens as theme park experiences: MCHS 2015 places to visit (Part 2)
Updates Just to let you know, in case you like to visit new places, a Sept. 21, 2015 Toronto Star article is entitled: Expanded Sherway Gardens opens doors Tuesday: A $550 million expansion includes 50 new stores, more parking and a new food court that can seat more than 1,000 A Sept. 23, 2015 CBC article […]
Comments regarding the MCHS 1961-62 class logos
In a separate post I have posted the MCHS 1961-62 class logos. In this post I will share some comments about them. Graphic Design of 1961-62 classroom logos I have much enjoyed studying the design work demonstrated by these logos. I have a strong interest in the use of analog (non-digital) preliminary, pencil-on-paper sketches as […]
1967 Prefect Board at Malcolm Campbell High School
Prefect Board Fourth Row: A. Cerins, T. Silver, D. Athersych, J. Barcley, F. Kupfert, G. Gore, M. Gall, K. Seto. Third Row: Mr. Bregman, G. Bell, S. Simmons, C. Barren, D. Lindsay, G. Turner, W. Walker, B. Eccles, I. London, G. Smail, D. Speller, Mr. Rivard. Second Row: S. DiPaolo, V. Szepesi, J. Trent, I. Smith, […]
Gym photos from MCHS 1961-62 yearbook
I’ve been posting photos at the MCHS-related Facebook pages that we use as a way to publicize the MCHS 2015 ’60s Reunion. On this page are some gym photos from the MCHS 1961-62 yearbook. Click on the images to enlarge them; click again to enlarge them further
Grade 7 Morison photo, sent to us by Graham Chartier
Graham Chartier, a Morison and Malcolm graduate, has shared with us this awesome Grade 7 Morison photo from 1966. Graham has shared the following caption information: L to R, Top row: Tim Fairbrother, Alex (?), Gordon Halliday, Graham Chartier, Donald Lewtas, Wayne Catel, Rick Farrington, Steve Borgan, Second Row: Stewart (or Stuart) Sanders, Nick ?, […]
The Forts of Toronto – Bicycle Tour June 27 at 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
The Forts of Toronto – Bicycle Tour Please note: I will post the links that go with the following text, as soon as I have time June 27 @ 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Hop on your bike and join our knowledgeable guides on a leisurely ride through Toronto history. Heritage Toronto is happy to […]