We seek to get in touch with more MCHS ’60s teachers. Can you help?
Charles Tsiang (MCHS ’62) has shared a message: “Jaan, our teachers were an enormous part of our MCHS experience. You’ve done so much via Mr. Decarie already but could you expand that by developing a list and trying to contact those still able to respond? Invite them to join the reunion or send their news.” […]
Share Your Stories & Learn More! Make note of these events on June 7 and 13, 2015 – and many more into September
The Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre has some great storytelling events lined up from June 7, 2015 into September 2015. Tara Mazurk, Curator of the L Space Gallery at Humber College, reports: “We have our first roundtable share-your-story on Sunday June 7th from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm at Assembly Hall.” Click here to learn more […]
Places to see in Toronto and Mississauga if you’re attending MCHS 2015 (Part 1)
If you are visiting Toronto for the MCHS 2015 Reunion, which takes place on October 17, 2015 at Old Mill Toronto, there are many places to see during your visit. The purpose of this post is to provide a brief overview of some places that come to mind for me, as a member of the […]
Teardown trend in Toronto homes weakens neighborhoods, expert says – June 1, 2015 CBC article
A June 1, 2015 CBC article is entitled: “Toronto’s booming real estate market fuels teardown trend: Teardown trend in Toronto homes weakens neighborhoods, expert says.” The opening paragraphs read: “Toronto’s red hot real estate market is fuelling a push to tear down homes on valuable land and replace them with newer, bigger ones, sometimes to […]
Malcolm Campbell High School Senior Choir, 1962-63
Click on image to enlarge it. Click again to enlarge it further. MALCOLM CAMPBELL SENIOR CHOIR In September 1962 the Executive of the Senior Mixed choir was elected. Audree Blampied was chosen President, Ellsworth Ritch Vice-President, Donna Bristow Secretary-Treasurer, Beverlee Blampied Librarian, Zennie Levitsky Assistant Librarian, and Linda Colucci Registrar. The Staff and student body […]
105 22nd Street, Long Branch, Committee of Adjustment severance and variances
Jaan Pill (email to David Godley): Again, I would be pleased to post this on my website, but would like to know if this would be a good way to go or not. David Godley: Yes this one is fine. The message from David Godley follows below From: David Godley <mhairig@pathcom.com> Date: Sunday, May 31, […]
Jeanne Butcher outlines role of Prefect Board at MCHS, 1962-63
Click on the photo to enlarge it. Click again to enlarge it further. The following text by Jeanne Butcher is from the MCHS 1962-63 yearbook (p. 58). THE PREFECT BOARD The Prefect Board is gradually becoming a tradition at Malcolm Campbell High School. Since the opening of our school three years ago, the Prefects have […]
Editorial by Jeanne Butcher in MCHS 1962-63 yearbook
We were very pleased to be in touch with Jeanne Butcher (MCHS ’63) by email in March 2015. She had learned about the MCHS 2015 Reunion while surfing the net. By way of a quick overview, Jeanne reports that she lives with her husband in Colorado after working as a lawyer, with her husband who […]
Gratitude is good for your health, the evidence (and anecdotal experience) suggests
An April 22, 2015 CBC article is entitled: “Shawn Achor’s 6 exercises for happiness: Happiness a choice not a pursuit, psychologist advises.” There may, or may not, be some hyperbole in the claim that happiness is a choice; I wouldn’t know; I haven’t had a look at the book – The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of […]
John Griffith is the great-grandnephew of Matthew Griffith. Great information from Edith George.
I am pleased to share with you these photos of John Griffith. Edith George, who forwarded the photos to me, notes: “John Griffith owns 5 and 1/2 acres in King Township where the Humber River flows through his property and the Historic Toronto Carrying Place Trail went through his property as well. “I went to visit […]