New Toronto – Then and Now – Jane’s Walk starting at 1:30 pm at Assembly Hall, Saturday, May 2, 2015

We begin at the Assembly Hall at 1 Colonel Samuel Smith Drive at the foot of Kipling Ave. at Lake Shore Blvd West. We travel along the north side of Lake Shore to Fifth Street, passing the old Goodyear Plant along the way. From there we travel north to Birmingham St., stopping at the old […]

A well-organized Sledgehammer Ceremony was staged on April 6, 2015 at the Small Arms Building in Mississauga

I’ve been writing about the Small Arms Building at 1352 Lakeshore Road East, located at the foot of Dixie Road, for some years. Occasionally it’s called the Small Arms building and at other times it’s the Small Arms Building. I’ve switched to using the second of these spellings. Either spelling works fine. I like to be […]

Versions One and Two of Janet’s great post at our portal to the history of Cartierville School

At a previous post, we’ve shared some posts from Janet regarding Cartierville School. In order to bring attention to the post, and to have both versions of her post in one place, I’ve written the post that you are now reading. After Janet had sent her first post, she sent a second one because it […]

How to avoid death by lightning – April 3, 2015 New York Times article

It’s almost never a bolt out of the blue An April 3, 2015 New York Times article is entitled: “How to Avoid Death by Lightning.” The opening paragraph reads: “For most of the last 15 years, Michael Utley has been passing out refrigerator magnets that say ‘When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors!’ If he could go […]

1960s-era documentary films by the Maysles brothers and The Meaning of Human Existence (2014)

This post is concerned with 1960s-era films by Albert and David Maysles. The post also appears as an update to an earlier post entitled: The Meaning of Human Existence (2014) I’m posting the update as a separate item in order to bring attention to it. I’ve also edited the original update and added links. In […]

Driven from New Orleans (2012), Drug Wars (2013), On the Run (2014)

A previous post refers to Driven from New Orleans: How Nonprofits Betray Public Housing and Promote Privatization (2012). A passage (p. 98) from the latter study brings to mind the following additional previous posts: The Drug Wars in America, 1940-1973 (Kathleen J. Frydl, 2013) Framing Regent Park: The National Film Board and the construction of […]

Researchers have debunked central tenets of AA doctrine and found dozens of other treatments more effective – April 2015 Atlantic Monthly article

An April 2015 Atlantic Monthly article is entitled: “The Irrationality of Alcoholics Anonymous: Its faith-based 12-step program dominates treatment in the United States. But researchers have debunked central tenets of AA doctrine and found dozens of other treatments more effective.” I find the article of value, especially given my interest in the concept of evidence-based practice. […]

The MCHS 69er Reunion was held in Montreal on July 31, 1999

Update We have received a series of photos, and the Reunion Program, for the MCHS 69er Reunion, from Bruce Goodman, and will be posting scans of these great items soon. [End of update] 1) I’m pleased to share the following text, regarding the MCHS 69er Reunion that was held in Montreal on July 31,1999, from […]

How to keep bad news from bringing you down – Aug. 22, 2014 (last year) CBC item

Recently while sorting through some documents I came across a printout of an August 22, 2014 (that is, last year) article entitled: “Infographic: This is your brain on bad news.” I enjoy infographics – what a great way to share data! Below is the infographic that the article refers to. The above-noted link also includes […]