MCHS Grad Class of 1971 – list of awards; list of grads

At the MCHS ’60s Reunion Facebook page, Gina Davis Cayer has shared Lynne Carol Hylands-Lister’s post. At the Malcolm Campbell High School GradsFacebook page, Lynne Carol Hylands-Lister has noted: “Found this in some paper ‘rubble’. MCHS grad class of ’71. Where are they now? Enjoy.”  

Fife and Drum newsletter from Friends of Fort York – December 2014

You can access the newsletter here: fife-and-drum-dec-2014 A text accompanying the newsletter reads: “Please find attached the latest edition of Fife and Drum, published by the Friends of Fort York. This issue features articles on the new park which will open north of the Fort when the pedestrian-cycle bridge is built, and the canvass houses […]

MPP Peter Milczyn December 31, 2014 e-News Update

The following message is from MPP Peter Milczyn’s office” A Year of Building Opportunity Dear Residents of Etobicoke-Lakeshore, Recently, the Ontario Legislature rose for our holiday break, giving your elected representatives the chance to return to their ridings, attend community events, meet constituents and spend some quality time with our loved ones. The end of […]

MPP Peter Milczyn’s New Year’s Levee – Saturday, January 3, 2015 – 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

You can get the details here. Key information: Etobicoke-Lakeshore MPP Peter Milczyn New Year’s Levee Saturday, January 3rd, 2015 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Royal Canadian Legion Branch 210 110 Jutland Rd. Etobicoke M8Z 2H1  

City of Toronto Public Appointments: For Toronto Library Board, you have until 4:30 pm on Jan. 2, 2015 to apply

You can find out information about Public Appointments here. To be considered for a Public Appointment to the City of Toronto Library Board, you have until 4:30 pm on Jan. 2, 2015 to apply.  

Excerpts from: Fruit and vegetable consumption and all-cause, cancer and CVC mortality (2014)

I’ve discussed Oyebode O, Gordon-Dseagu V, Walker A, et al. J Epidemiol Community Health 2014;68:856–862 at previous posts. The previous discussions about vegetables can be accessed here. After I began to read the research evidence, for a long time I had the intention of reaching the goal of 7-plus portions of vegetables and fruits (with a […]

How do you figure out what constitutes a serving of vegetables?

Many resources are available for figuring out what constitutes a serving of vegetables or fruit. Among those is a Canada’s Food Guide list of servings. The examples for vegetables and fruit, from the above-noted website, includes, by way of example: Asparagus 125 mL, ½ cup, 6 spears Beans, green 125 mL, ½ cup Bok choy/Chinese […]

How much arsenic is in your rice? Consumer Reports’ new data and guidelines.

A November 2014 Consumer Reports article is entitled: “How much arsenic is in your rice? Consumer Reports’ new data and guidelines are important for everyone but especially for gluten avoiders.” An excerpt from the article reads: Nicer rices Our latest tests determined that the inorganic arsenic content of rice varies greatly depending on the type […]

CBC list of top health news stories of 2014

A Dec. 28, 2014 CBC article is entitled: “What weight loss, drinking water and pot had in common in 2014.” Below are some highlights from the above-mentioned article, along with updates regarding a range of topics from several sources. The evidence is not necessarily congruent with commonly held understandings. Scientific evidence stands in contrast to […]

Police Use of Force: A Global Perspective (2010) – Policing has a relationship to military history