Dec. 6, 2014 Lakeshore Santa Claus Parade began with marshalling at Birmingham St. & Dwight Ave. before 9:00 am

I’ve attended many Lakeshore Santa Claus parades over the past couple of decades and retain vivid and enjoyable memories from each of them. Every year we learn and experience something new and different. I’ve reported on the 2012 and 2013 parades in previous posts: Enjoyed Dec. 1, 2012 Santa Claus Parade in Long Branch (in […]

Mediterranean diet is high in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and olive oil, & low in dairy products & meat

A Dec. 2, 2014 New York Times article is entitled: “Mediterranean Diet Is Good for Your DNA.” A search for the word “sugar” at the Preserved Stories site will round out the discussion. A search for the word “vegetables” at the Preserved Stories site also turns up items of interest. Moderation is helpful with regard […]

Bob Carswell adds a comment about the caddy shack at the Marlborough golf club. Eric Karbin comments also.

Bob Carswell has added a comment at a previous post entitled: Additional comments from Graeme Decarie – regarding Saraguay, Cartierville School, and Marlborough golf club This is the comment; I’m posting it here to bring your attention to the discussion: Bob Carswell comments: To Eric et al, These were posted a few weeks ago so […]

What is mindfulness?

The purpose of this post is to highlight a range of definitions for the term “mindfulness.” I’ve written this post primarily to organize my own thinking with regard to how the term is defined, by different people, in different contexts. I believe there is value in precision in the use of language when concepts such […]

La Parete Gallery, 1086 Bathurst St., Toronto – Art of the 1960s and contemporary painters

Among the cultural resources that interest me, with regard to MCHS 60s Biographies & Histories, are painting from the 1960s. If you make it to the MCHS 60s Reunion & Celebration of the 60s on Oct. 17, 2015, and decide to stay to visit around Toronto that weekend, La Parete Gallery at 1086 Bathurst Street (just […]

Volunteer work is good for us

I’ve been doing volunteer work for several decades. In the late 1980s while I was working as a public school teacher, I got started with volunteer work because I wanted to compare notes with people who had gone through some relatively rare experiences that I had gone through. The process just went on from there. […]

Ethnographic and neuroscience research addresses Buddhist cultural practices

I like to to read about anthropology, which I view as a high-end form of journalism. In a previous number of posts, most recently this one, I’ve discussed an overview – a blurb, so to speak – about the career of Sherry B. Ortner that appears in Fifty Key Anthropologists (2011). Framing of evidence My basic […]

Graeme Decarie: The 78th Fraser Highlanders fought at Quebec, were disbanded, and settled in Fraserville

The following text is from Graeme Decarie as a follow-up to a previous post. Census figures I just found some old census figures I have going back to Nouvelle France. They go from 1665 up to 1861. There is no mention of St. Laurent until 1739, when it had 165 families. Most of them would […]

Liberal Party Nomination Meeting for Lakeshore-Etobicoke is on Nov. 30. Here’s a link to an impressive George Takach campaign video.

You can access the video by clicking to open this post. You can access a more recent message from George Takach here.