Draft Mimico By the Lake Official Plan Amendment and Secondary Plan have been posted

Following March 21, 2013 message is from Kathryn Thom: Hello everyone: Please be advised that the Draft Mimico By the Lake Official Plan Amendment and Secondary Plan have been posted to the Mimico 2020 website at: http://www.toronto.ca/planning/mimico2020.htm Regards Mimico 2020 Team  

Colleen O’Marra adds to information related to the 1917 “Y” Squadron Long Branch photo

Colleen M. O’Marra has shared the following comments, regarding the “Y” Squadron photo sent by Bob Lansdale, which I read with interest. She’s given me permission to post her comments: Absolutely wonderful photo of the Long Branch 1917 flying squad. Perhaps Lester Pearson (P.M. and Nobel Prize winner) is in this picture. He certainly may have trained […]

Photos related to 32 Ninth Street – Committee of Adjustment meeting is on March 28, 1:00 pm

To view the series of blog posts related to 32 Ninth Street, click on the Construction category at this website. In the course of research related to 32 Ninth Street, I’ve been very pleased to learn of the career of the artist Adrian deRooy of New Toronto. I’ll highlight his paintings in a subsequent blog post. As the […]

Mimico Residents Association March 21, 2013 annual general meeting was an impressive event

I’ve attended two annual general meetings recently, including a cross-Canada meeting conducted through video conferencing on Google +. That’s a good way for a board of directors to meet assuming there aren’t more than 10 people at the meeting. At 7:00 pm on March 21, 2013 I attended the annual general meeting of the Mimico […]

Scientists propose a new architecture for sustainable development – March 21, 2013 New York Times

A March 21, 2013 New York Times article addresses how sustainable development can best be defined. The text for the headline and opening paragraph reads as follows: Scientists Propose a New Architecture for Sustainable Development By ANDREW C. REVKIN   As a United Nations working group negotiates a set of “sustainable development goals,” 10 scientists and […]

News update – Councillor Mark Grimes’ Office – March 21, 2013

Following text is from Ward 6 Councillor Mark Grimes’ Office: Please find the full newsletter attached in .pdf form: March 22, 2013 Earth Hour 2013 – Time to Turn off the Lights Earth Hour: Saturday March 23, 2013, 8:30 – 9:30 pm More than 5,200 cities and towns in 135 countries worldwide switched off their […]

Cheryl and Adrian deRooy have written a letter regarding 32 Ninth Street

To view the series of blog posts related to 32 Ninth Street, click on the Construction category at this website. Cheryl and Adrian deRooy have shared the following text, which they have submitted regarding the March 28, 2013, 1:00 pm Committee of Adjustment meeting regarding 32 Ninth Street, as described in an earlier blog post. Please note […]

Almost 200 years later, a look back at The Battle of York – March 20, 2013 Torontoist

David Juliusson of Toronto has informed us of an article, related to a series of War of 1812 lectures, in the March 20, 2013 Torontoist. [Click on link in previous sentence to access the article.] The head, subhead, and introduction read as follows: First in a Series of articles about the War on the Torontoist […]

Variance request regarding 32 Ninth Street, New Toronto – Committee of Adjustment meeting is on March 28, 2013, 1:00 pm

To view the series of blog posts related to 32 Ninth Street, click on the Construction category at this website. Adrian deRooy – Derooy@pathcom.com – (416-201-0518) of Ninth Street, New Toronto and Joanne Macrae – jmacrae@eol.ca – (416 251 1700) also of Ninth Street have shared with me information about a plan to sever an existing lot at […]

8-80 Cities March 2013 e-newsletter

You can access the e-newsletter here.