Built Heritage News – Issue No. 204 – November 28, 2012

From time to time, I like to post items from Built Heritage News. You can subscribe to this newsletter by visiting the website, which you can access through the link in the previous sentence. Click here for information about Built Heritage News. Click here for information about the Toronto branch of the Architectural Conservancy of […]

Council passes motion (34 to 4): Changes to Provincial Funding Approaches for Homeless Prevention and Social Assistance Programs

Full details regarding the motion can be found here: Excerpts: City Council on October 30, 31 and November 1, 2012, adopted the following: 1.         City Council approve, subject to final confirmation from the Province, receipt of $96 million for the Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI), with specific funding allocations for the homeless prevention services described in […]

Instrumental reason drives climate change; and war is work that soldiers do

Updates A Feb. 20, 2014 CBC article is entitled: “Are we doomed? Elizabeth Kolbert explains why the world might be in the midst of a major mass extinction.” A July 24, 2014 New Yorker article is entitled: “Spare the rod, school the child.” The article notes that a causal chain links the health of ocean […]

City of Toronto Budget Process: Message from Councillor Grimes’ Office

Message from Office of Councillor Mark Grimes Please find attached information no the Current City of Toronto Budget Process and how to have input into this important activity. City of Toronto launches 2013 tax supported operating Thank you Office of Councillor Mark Grimes

Answer to supplementary questions regarding Humber Bay Shores

Update A July 7, 2016 post is entitled: On July 12, 2016 Toronto City Council Agenda: Investigation Report Regarding Conduct of Ward 6 Councillor Mark Grimes [End of update]   The following correspondence concerns questions raised earlier regarding Humber Bay Shores. Hello Ms. Grier: I can provide some information in response to your Section 37 […]

Lean into the interview

Seventeen years ago I switched from employment with the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) to a new position as a teacher with the Peel District School Board (PDSB). When I retired from the latter board in 2006, I had been teaching for over thirty years, in one capacity or another, in schools across the Greater […]

Etobicoke-South Cycling Committee meets Dec. 13, 2012, 7:00 pm at LAMP

Etobicoke-South Cycling Committee DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday, Dec. 13, 2012 – 19:00 – 21:00 Location:  LAMP Community Health Centre 185 Fifth Street, on the Birmingham Bike Lane In partnership with the Lakeshore Planning Council Corp. and Cycle Toronto, the Etobicoke-South Etobicoke Cycling Committee will be holding a meeting on Dec. 13 from 7 to 9 PM. Our main issue is we […]

Toronto has no history! and other abstracts (Thorncrest Village in Etobicoke and Hamilton’s King Street West) from Urban History Review

Toronto has no history! (Victoria Jane Freeman) The following abstract is from Urban History Review, Vol. 38, No. 2 (2010). In 1884, during a week-long commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of Toronto’s incorporation in 1834, tens of thousands celebrated Toronto’s history and its relation to British colonialism and imperialism. The author’s analysis of the historical tableaux […]

Enjoyed Dec. 1, 2012 Santa Claus Parade in Long Branch (in Toronto not New Jersey)

The photos on this page are by Jaan Pill. To enlarge a photo, click on the image. To enlarge it further, click again. I was delighted to have the opportunity, at the start of the Dec. 1, 2012 Santa Claus Parade in Long Branch and New Toronto, to hand out ‘Santa Stops Here’ signs on […]