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52 search results for: refugees


Graeme Decarie served as historical advisor and commentator for a 1993 NFB film about the Quiet Revolution in Quebec

A companion piece to the post you are now reading is entitled: Many changes have occurred in Cartierville where Malcolm Campbell High School was located from 1960s to late 1980s.  * This post concerns an early 1990s documentary about the history of Montreal. A leader in the English rights movement in those years, Graeme Decarie served as […]


The Rio Olympics refugee team finally has its own flag, and an anthem – Aug. 13, 2016 Quartz article

An Aug. 13, 2016 Quartz article is entitled: “The Rio Olympics refugee team finally has its own flag, and an anthem.” The opening paragraphs (which include several links, which you can find through the link in the previous sentence) read: When they were selected to compete in the Rio 2016 Olympics, the competition’s first-ever refugee […]


Soviets deported over 7,000 women, children, and elderly people from Estonia on June 14 to 17, 1941

Previous posts about Estonia (from where members of my extended family left as refugees in 1944) can be accessed here > A June 14, 2016 Estonian World article is entitled: “Pictures: Deported Estonians in Siberia.” The opening paragraphs read: In the summer of 1940, the Soviet Union occupied Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as a result […]


A great community of wealthy nations has slowly undermined the relatively stable climate that has insulated human civilizations

I’ve mentioned in a previous post that I enjoy a recent book that I came across about the history of Japan: Japan: A Concise History (2015) critiques narratives related to humanity’s impact upon the environment  I’ve devoted the current post to the book, as a way to bring added attention to it. The book’s concluding […]


Japan: A Concise History (2015) critiques narratives related to humanity’s impact upon the environment

Updates: A Sept. 30, 2015 New York Times article is entitled: One of the World’s Most Powerful Central Bankers Is Worried About Climate Change.” An Oct. 1, 2015 CBC article is entitled: “Mark Carney wants business to calculate the fossil fuel future: Bank of England governor’s climate change warning puts the focus on the bottom […]