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65 search results for: speaks its own language


History begins with definition of terms

At a recent post, I began to write about my approach, as a layperson, to reading about history: Article by Andres Kasekamp: “Fascism by Popular Initiative: The Rise and Fall of the Vaps Movement in Estonia” (2015) In his 2015 article, Kasekamp comments (p. 156): “Using Stanley Payne’s typology of fascism [3], I have previously argued […]


Everybody’s story matters: Speaking notes for Sept. 1, 2018 Nordic Meeting (for people who stutter) in Tallinn, Estonia

Update: A second post, regarding this talk, is entitled: Draft No. 2 of speaking notes: Sept. 1, 2018 Tallinn talk [End]   Between 1988 and 2003, over a period of 15 years, I did a lot of volunteer work on behalf of people who stutter. Sometimes, I would work at this night and day. These […]


As residents, neighbourhoods, and societies, we become what we imagine ourselves to be

The concept that we become what we imagine ourselves to be (or what we pretend ourselves to be) is from a quote in a book by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. The concept also brings to mind a line from William Blake, who speaks of people who became what they beheld. I came across both concepts somewhere […]


Oakville mayor, Mississauga deputy city solicitor, and former Toronto chief planner speak out at Oct. 17, 2017 OMB Review hearing

Update A recent post is entitled: Hansard transcript of Oct. 17, 2017 hearing at Queen’s Park regarding OMB Reform is now available [End]   I was very pleased to have the opportunity to attend a committee hearing at Queen’s Park on Oct. 17, 2017 regarding the Provincial government’s proposed OMB Reform legislation. I have sent in my own […]


DeGasperis case, related to the finding of the Divisional Court, July 2005, is part of the OMB’s parallel universe

The DeGasperis Case, related to a July 2005 finding of the Divisional Court, concerns what I have come to view as a remarkable parallel universe or alternative reality. The alternate reality that I refer to – in which Up is Down, In is Out, and Minor is Major – concerns what takes place at the City of […]