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638 search results for: First World War


City of Toronto is warning residents to be cautious about private companies offering door-to-door free water testing

An Aug. 29, 2014 CBC article is entitled: “Lifetime Water Systems sales pitch after free test frustrates residents: The test is free, but what residents aren’t told is that it is followed by a water filter sales pitch.” The article notes: The city has placed a warning notice on its website, including a fact sheet about […]


A great presentation is the opposite of a what a stage magician does: Edward Tufte (1997)

“Explaining Magic: Pictorial Instuctions and Disinformation Design” is the title of Chapter 3 in Visual Explanations (1997) by Edward Tufte. Visual Explanations (1997) The chapter provides one of the best accounts that I’ve encountered anywhere about how to make a presentation. In essence, Tufte says: “Do the opposite of what a stage magician does.” I […]


World Health Organization recommends that no more than 5 percent of your caloric intake – that is, 25 grams – should come from sugar

I often drive by 198 New Toronto St. in south Etobicoke where Lantic Sugar is located. The first link in the sentence above gives you a Google Street view of the location. The second link gives you an overview describing how sugar is refined. Whenever I drive by the Lantic Sugar plant, I think of […]