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11 search results for: Osterhammel
‘Of course, bold socialists intent on destroying rather than reforming capitalism have brought about some rather unpleasant historical outcomes’ – Aug. 2, 2018 Atlantic Monthly article
/0 Comments/in Commentary, Newsletter/by Jaan PillAn Aug. 2, 2018 Atlantic Monthly article is entitled: “The Hunger for a Bold Socialism: The political preferences of two college professors, writing in a prominent leftist journal, are informed by the belief that ‘making people’s lives materially better isn’t enough.’” An excerpt from the article reads: “Of course, bold socialists intent on destroying rather […]
Reconstructing Karl Polanyi : Excavation and Critique (2016): Blurb and review
/1 Comment/in Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillI have a strong interest in the work of Karl Polanyi. What he says makes sense to me. A blurb for Reconstructing Karl Polanyi : Excavation and Critique (2016) reads: Karl Polanyi was one of the most influential political economists of the twentieth century and is widely regarded as the most gifted of social democratic theorists. In […]