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103 search results for: Samuel smith homestead
Bernice Law recalls Col. Samuel Smith homestead site (Eastwood Farm) in the early 1930s
/0 Comments/in Long Branch, Newsletter/by Jaan PillI am currently editing a memoir that Bernice Law wrote in the course of a project that she initiated with a letter to the Toronto Star over twenty years ago. We owe thanks to Bernice Law for organizing this great local history project. First-person accounts of life along the Lakeshore in earlier times are of […]
1905 survey map shows buildings at Colonel Samuel Smith homestead site
/4 Comments/in Long Branch, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillI recently spoke with two former Long Branch residents, Jim Bray and his daughter Sandy Bray, who have filled me in on details, that I was not aware of, related to the barns at the Colonel Samuel Smith homestead site. Jim Bray has also shared some comments at a couple of recent blog posts related […]
Aerial photo from 1949 may show barn at Samuel Smith homestead that is visible in 1920s photo from mouth of Etobicoke Creek
/3 Comments/in Jane's Walk, Long Branch/by Jaan PillIf you click on the first photo on this page, and then click again, you will be able to view a barn that is visible in the top right corner of the photo. If you click the Back button at the top of your browser, you should be able to get back to the page […]
Barn in background of 1920s Long Branch photo appears to be located on Samuel Smith homestead
/2 Comments/in Jane's Walk, Long Branch/by Jaan PillThe first photo on this page is an aerial view of Long Branch, which Robert Lansdale has shared with us, from the early 1950s. You can enlarge the photo by clicking on it. click again and the photo will be enlarged further. To return to the page you are now viewing, click on ‘Back’ in your […]
We’ve put together a 26-minute online video about Colonel Samuel Smith and his homestead
/0 Comments/in Long Branch, Newsletter/by Jaan PillThe story of Colonel Samuel Smith and the efforts to keep his homestead site in public hands are highlighted in these speaking notes for an October 2011 talk about the colonel. The sale of Parkview School, announced in August 2011, turned out to be a ‘good news’ story, thanks to the efforts of Etobicoke-Lakeshore MPP […]
Colonel Samuel Smith owned a lot of land but was not a wealthy man
/0 Comments/in Long Branch, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillAt the same event as mentioned at a previous post, I also spoke briefly on June 13, 2015, about Colonel Samuel Smith, with the following Speaking Notes as a guide. I highlighted a few points, and left out the rest. I enjoy organizing such talk, working in coordination with other people. The event was the […]
History of Colonel Samuel Smith
/0 Comments/in Jane's Walk, Long Branch, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillThis post is concerned with one of the topics at the June 13, 2015 Long Branch Fest Community Storytelling Panel that will be taking place starting at 8:00 pm at the corner of Twenty Ninth Street and Lake Shore Blvd. West. Colonel Samuel Smith Below are Speaking Notes for the presentation about the History of Colonel […]