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135 search results for: evidence-based practice
Ideology and evidence-based practice
/0 Comments/in Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillBelow are links that may be of interest. I have long had an interest in evidence and evidence-based practice. The value of evidence has been of interest for me for two reasons. First, as a reporter, I have learned the value of evidence, as it is practised in traditional print journalism. Secondly, I’ve had the […]
The Complete Guide to Strength Training (2015): An A-1 resource for evidence-based practice in strength training
/0 Comments/in Mississauga, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillI am very highly impressed with The Complete Guide to Strength Training (2015) by Anita Bean, the fifth edition of the book. It makes good sense for a book of this kind to go through successive editions, thereby keeping up to date with research and development in the field of strength training. Except on days when […]
Evidence-based practice and the eradication of science
/0 Comments/in Newsletter/by Jaan PillI have an interest in evidence-based practice. When scientific data and research are under threat, each of us as a citizen is under threat. In an earlier post, I’ve discussed the role of fraud in relation to scientific credentials. At the latter post, I’ve shared the following information: Fake academic credentials In general, claims of factuality […]
Continual learning and patient-focused practice in health care and 226 square feet of shelter
/0 Comments/in Newsletter/by Jaan PillI’m pleased to share with you the headlines and opening paragraphs or other excerpts from several articles. 1. From Britain, here’s to your health (André Picard) From the middle of the article, two paragraphs: Dr. Berwick’s report begins with some general but important observations: Patient safety problems exist, to varying degrees, in every health system […]