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1060 search results for: land use
Are there cultural differences, in how Mississauga and Toronto go about dealing with land use planning processes?
/0 Comments/in Commentary, Committee of Adjustment, Toronto Local Appeal Body, Local Planning Appeals Tribunal, Long Branch, Long Branch Character Guidelines, Long Branch Neighbourhood Association, Mississauga, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillI look at laneway housing, a broad topic with many facets, from a more general, abstract perspective than was the case when, in 2010, in connection with the former Parkview School in Long Branch, I first became interested in land use decision making
/1 Comment/in Long Branch, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillI encourage you to set up your own website about local history and land use planning issues
/0 Comments/in Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillI wrote the following post on May 8, 2017; I’ve recently added material to it. I’m reposting it, in order to bring attention to it: I encourage you to set up your own website about local history and land use planning issues