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9 search results for: marty butler
Nikki (then called Ellen) King (MCHS 1962) has shared Malcolm Campbell High School updates, from the years that followed the 1960s
/5 Comments/in MCHS Stories, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillOne of the great things about having a website is that from time to time people add comments at posts that have been written in the past. One such post, to which many comments have been added over the past year, is entitled: Provisional list of MCHS ’60s (and other decades) students/alumni/teachers who have passed away Comment […]
Sue (Robinson) Brady (MCHS ’64) shares more details about MCHS Alumni in B.C. and elsewhere
/4 Comments/in MCHS Stories, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillAt a previous post, entitled Cheryl Vince’s favourite teachers at Malcolm Campbell High School included a principal and a vice-principal, Sue (Robinson) Brady (MCHS ’64) wrote a comment for Cheryl Vince and Ruth MacLeod. The comment from Sue Brady, who was in Mrs. Dunwoodie’s 11B (Latin) class, which I have featured in a separate post, included the […]
Gina (Davis) Cayer (MCHS ’67) has compiled an MCHS 2015 playlist
/5 Comments/in MCHS 2015 Reunion, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillGina (Davis) Cayer has developed a playlist for the MCHS 2015 Reunion. Some of the related YouTube links, that she has posted at Facebook to date, can be accessed here: Music Videos & Sound Files We are using the current post to add links to the playlist. We’ll begin with: Give Peace a Chance – John Lennon – […]