The Family Camera exhibit at Royal Ontario Museum explores what’s fundamental about family

The following overview is from the May 2017 newsletter of The Photographic Historical Society of Canada; I have also learned about this exhibit listening to CBC Metro Morning; the Photographic Historical Society of Canada message reads: What do all families have in common? How do families nurture relationships, cultivate individual identities and maintain ties, even […]

Door-to-door scams and scamming season in Long Branch (Toronto)

From the Long Branch Neighbourhood Watch Facebook group: “Heads-up, a sales-person knocking on doors asking to see if you qualify for a water filter and of course asking to enter the house. “Can’t answer most questions about his company, won’t provide a card or a pamphlet and when told by the home-owner that the company […]

Put your money in Conservation Authority Flood Management Programs and it will be well-spent – May 10, 2017 Credit Valley Conservation post

Updates A Nov. 18, 2016 Water Canada article is entitled: “Evaluating Long-Term Performance From Low Impact Development Practices.” A July 12, 2017 CBC article is entitled: Don’t drain the swamp: report says wetlands help avert flood damage: Study says leaving wetlands in their natural state can help protect communities from severe flooding.”   [End] A […]

Trends in Toronto house prices: Tweet from Jennifer Keesmaat, Chief Planner, City of Toronto

A May 10, 2017 Better Dwelling article is entitled: “Toronto Homeowners List Detached Homes For Sale At A Record Pace: Toronto homeowners are listing detached homes for sale at a rapid pace, with new listings soaring over 61% last month.” We owe thanks to a May 11, 2017 tweet from Jennifer Keesmaat, Chief Planner, City […]

I have received an apt correction regarding a Brown University study that I reviewed earlier, regarding meditation

Hal Roth of Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, has posted the following comment at a previous post: I am a co-author of the above study. The Press summary of the study is seriously erroneous and incredibly oversimplified. The Study did NOT conclude that men were not affected by studying mindfulness techniques and that they should, […]

Thursday, May 11, 2017 Heritage Talk at Lambton House starts 7:30 pm

AGNES DUNBAR MOODIE and FITZGIBBON CHAMBERLIN with Madeleine McDowell Thursday, May 11, 2017 Doors open at 7:00pm Talk at 7:30pm Refreshments Good will offering appreciated Lambton House 4066 Old Dundas Street, York, M6S 2R6 TTC bus 55 from Jane station stops at the door. (416) 767-5472 A remarkable woman’s life in early Canada Born 1833 […]

May 2017 Update from David Godley: Committee of Adjustment & related topics

The following update is from David Godley, a retired urban planner and former member of the Committee of Adjustment: * 1) Status of applications 2) Committee of Adjustment Changes (see 9 38th attachment on integrity commission route to rein in members) 3) Etobicoke Lakeshore Press 4) 24 33rd Street OMB hearing 5) 55 Long Branch […]

Kitchen Orkestra CD Release – May 12, 2017 starting 8:00 pm, Placebo Space, 2877 Lake Shore Blvd. West

For many years, I’ve been following – and have been highly impressed by – the musical career of the young Etobicoke musician Hayley Ryerson. Click here to access Hayley Ryerson’s website > Hayley and the Kitchen Orkestra is releasing their Etobicoke CD on May 12, 2017: Etobicoke CD Release – May 12, 2017 They look […]

How to set up a website dealing with local history; some notes about starting up and running neighbourhood associations

Automatic shutoff on a sump pump is a most useful feature

For many years, I have been thinking, off and on, about water pumps that automatically shut off when there is no water to pump out. On one of my many recent trips to Home Depot a salesperson was very helpful, in pointing out that a pump was available at the store, that was equipped with […]