Small Arms Society Update – We Need Your Help – Message from Diane LaPointe-Kay, President, Small Arms Society

Click here for previous posts regarding the Small Arms Society > I am pleased to have the opportunity to share with you the following message from Diane LaPointe-Kay, President, Small Arms Society: Dear Friends of the Small Arms Building, On Wednesday June 15th, at the City of Mississauga – General Committee, the Mayor and Members of Council […]

How to prepare a 5-minute presentation to the Committee of Adjustment

Subdivided (2016) and Eliot Weinberger’s “The Creation” (2015) share reflections about sense-making

Subdivided: City-Building in an Age of Hyper-Diversity (2016) is a book that I encountered via social media and CBC Metro Morning (and maybe elsewhere on CBC Radio) some time back. I like the way it’s been publicized on radio and via social media. A chapter from the book was published in The Walrus; I’ve highlighted […]

John Graves Simcoe has a bridge in Kleinberg (north of T.O.) named after him

I was very pleased to receive a message from Daniele Rossi of Vaughan who recently came across a landmark in Kleinberg (north of Toronto), namely a bridge named after John Graves Simcoe. Years ago, I learned so many things about social media from Daniele Rossi, whose website is at Daniele Rossi. His LinkedIn profile can be accessed […]

June 9, 2016 talk at Lambton House (doors open at 7:00 pm) is entitled: “Exploring the 12,000 Years of Indigenous History in Toronto”

A June 9, 2016 talk at Lambton House (doors open at 7:00 pm) is entitled: “Exploring the 12,000 Years of Indigenous History in Toronto.” A PDF file about the talk can be accessed here: 2016 June Heritage Talk First Story-4[1] Update I attended the talk and found it of much interest. I owe thanks to […]

Ancient bison fossils offer hints about 1st humans in southern Canada – June 6, 2016 CBC report

As we remember #DDay, here’s a scene from the #SmallArms factory in #MississaugaLakeshore. We thank all who served! ( Sven Spengemann @SvenTrueNorth)

Sven Spengemann @SvenTrueNorth has posted the following tweet (with photo) As we remember #DDay, here’s a scene from the #SmallArms factory in #MississaugaLakeshore. We thank all who served! Small Arms Building (click on photos to enlarge them; click again to enlarge them further) Click here to access previous Small Arms posts >  

Drop by a public open house in your region to learn about proposed revised #landuseON plans

I am pleased to share the following June 2, 2016 tweet from Ontario MMAH ‏@OntMMAH: Drop by a public open house in your region to learn about proposed revised #landuseON plans Mississauga open house is in June 13, 2016; Toronto open house is on June 27, 2016 Details about the date and location of the […]

Successful strength training depends upon following the evidence

Today’s post concerns a topic that I have referred to earlier, in a post entitled: The Complete Guide to Strength Training (2015): An A-1 resource for evidence-based practice in strength training I am currently in weeks 10, 11, and 12 of a program of strength training exercises based upon the above-noted text by Anita Bean. […]

Sam Smith Park Farmers Market opens today, June 4, 2016

For details: Sam Smith Park Farmer’s Market. Who was Sam Smith? For details, you may wish to read the following longread article: A History of Long Branch (Toronto) – DRAFT 4