Lake Shore Blvd. West Cycle Track has been approved by City of Toronto Council

We owe thanks to David Juliusson of Long Branch for sharing with us the following text of a City Council decision regarding a cycle track, which had been discussed at a previous post: Lake Shore Blvd West Cycle Track Approved City Council unanimously approved the Lake Shore Blvd W cycle track. This separated, bi-directional cycle […]

Prose must be attributed, Globe and Mail headline writer asserts on April 25, 2016; meanwhile, plagiarist continues to write

Update A Dec. 6, 2016 Toronto Star article is entitled: “College of teachers finds Chris Spence guilty of professional misconduct: Former TDSB education director, accused of plagiarism, will now face penalty hearing.” [end]   You can access the April 25, 2016 Globe and Mail article here. It makes sense that, if a statement is made, the […]

Thefts at Gus Ryder Health Club in southern Etobicoke

I work out regularly at the Gus Ryder Health Club just north of Birmingham west of Kipling. I’ve been working out a different places for well over a decade. I make a point of always carrying my keys and wallet with me, when I work out. That’s because I’ve heard of many cases, over the […]

Saturday, April 23, 2016 was perfect weather for a Clean-Up Day at Small Arms Building in Mississauga

What follows are some highlights of a Saturday morning helping out with a Clean-Up Day at the Small Arms Building in Lakeview, Mississauga. When I turned up around 10:00 am on Saturday, April 23, 2016 at the Small Arms Building, I was greeted by a volunteer who helped me and other volunteers get organized. Huge, […]

Join us for the Small Arms Building Site Clean-Up – a great volunteer opportunity! Saturday, April 23, 2016 – 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

The recent newsletter of the Small Arms Society in Mississauga includes some great information about the work that is proceeding at the Small Arms Building in Lakeview, located at the corner of Dixie Road and Lakeshore Road East, about a kilometre west of the Long Branch GO station. Click here to access previous posts about […]

April 2016 issue of Old Mill Gazette newsletter provides quick overview of Old Mill (European) history

I’ve received a notification of the publication of the April 2016 Old Mill Gazette; I’ve written about the Old Mill neighbourhood in the past: Click here to access April 2016 Old Mill Gazette newsletter >  

City moves to protect heritage of former St. Agnes Anglican Church in Long Branch (Toronto)

An April 12, 2016 article is entitled: “City moves to protect heritage of former St. Agnes Anglican Church in Long Branch.” Subhead reads: “Developer working with city heritage staff on an ‘adaptive reuse’ of church for residential development,” Our thanks to Sid Olvet for informing us of this link.  

MPP Peter Milczyn’s Gems of Etobicoke-Lakeshore 2016. Deadline for nominations noon on Friday, May 6, 2016.

The following message is from Etobicoke-Lakeshore MPP Peter Milczyn’s Office: Do you know a Gem of Etobicoke-Lakeshore 2016? The Gems of Etobicoke-Lakeshore were created to recognize and appreciate outstanding small businesses, community and service organizations that are unique to South Etobicoke and make our community a more vibrant place to live, work and play. What […]

Discover the Lost Ontario by Stuart Clarfield, The Mission Media Co. – Kickstarter campaign mentioned by Mike James

I’ve worked with Mike James with leading of Jane’s Walks in southern Etobicoke over the past four years. We’re no longer leading walks, although we remain involved with helping to organize them. Mike grew up in New Toronto in the 1960s; he now lives in Niagara on the Lake. He ‘s received some information from […]

The story that claims that bombing will solve the problem of ISIS is a story that leads us nowhere

A basic point that Nicolas Hénin makes in Jihad Academy (2015), a study that is featured at a previous post, is that some news stories lead us astray. With any story, it’s useful to consider where the evidence leads, and to go with the story that is based upon the strongest evidence,  rather than with the story […]