Research indicates that purchase of experiences yields more happiness than purchase of things
As a diversion from other activities, I like to read about research studies that focus on happiness. What does the evidence suggest, with regard to what makes people happy? One of the findings that I’ve come across frequently is that the purchase of experiences tends to yield greater happiness, for people, than does the purchase of […]
MCHS, 1966-67 – Teens Look at Life
Teens Look at Life Third Row: W. Van Geyzil, E. Baranoff, W. Tranter, L. Mclagan. Second Row: S. Traff, E. Goldberg, A. Schaerf, M. Snow, G. Gore, B. Vincent, S. Pare, S. Barrington. First Row: A. Malek, E. Hennebury, P. Forton, Mrs. Norman, T. Wallace, E. Berkowitz, L. Yuck, E. Schiller.
Draft Issues – May 4th Long Branch Community Meeting – Your input: Message from David Godley
The following information is from David Godley of Long Branch. He has given me permission to post it. Today, like many days, is a busy day for me. I am stopping all of my other work for half an hour in order to post this information. Message from David Godley Greetings to those interested in […]
A reunion is a form of community self-organizing
An MCHS Reunion, whether a ’60s Reunion, such as the one that the MCHS 2015 organizing team is staging, or any other MCHS Reunion, is a form of community self-organizing. By that I mean that people get together and create a structure that enables the community to find – and communicate with, interact with – […]
Comment from Steve Lesser (MCHS ’73) regarding “The Scarlet and the Silver”
A previous post is entitled: With Pride We Wear the Scarlet and the Silver At that post, Steve Lesser has written a comment that I’m pleased to bring your attention to, by posting it as part of a separate post. Steven writes: I graduated in 1973. My first year at MCHS – Grade 7 – […]
The Red Cross, MCHS, 1966-67
Red Cross Representatives Fourth Row: J. Trent, C. Newton, S. Merrin, B. Katel, J. Boutara, L. Johnson, E. Williams, B. Wade, J. Tousonian, A. Messner. Third Row: F. Melandra, V. Bastien, G.. Morrissette, M. Bawn, A. Fortin, S. Booth, I. Bartan, B. Potts, R. Shlimper, G. Gore, S. Simmons, B. Vincent. Second Row: N. Meli, D. Bocking, P. […]
Long Branch Fest Community Storytelling Panel – 8:00 pm, June 13, 2015, corner Twenty Ninth and Lake Shore
Long Branch Fest Community Storytelling Panel June 13, 2015 8pm onward Music will be provided by Hayley Ryerson and Anthony Savidge between talks. Currently finishing her Bachelor of Music at Humber College, Hayley Ryerson is a fiddler and violinist who lives in Etobicoke. Her home studio, One Tune At A Time, is now accepting students […]
MCHS Class Presidents, 1966-67
Class Presidents, 1966-67 Fourth Row: J. Kerr, S. Leighton, M. Beauchemin, M. Tekela, B. Jacobson, P. Lupsity. D. Nicholic, B. Berma n, J. Maffre. Third Row: P. Cacuick, B. Murphy, W. Tranter, B. Perley, S. Booth, S. Damant, B. Oprici, R. Campbell, Z. Rajzman, S. Brandwein. Second Row: P. McCormick, S. Hishon, N. Kosor wich, M. […]
What is Social Innovation? Good question
In previous posts, such as one at the link below, I have noted that I do not know what a Jane’s Walk is: What is a Jane’s Walk? It’s an open-ended concept Similarly, I do not know what Social Innovation is: A Jane’s Walk is a walking conversation, or walking lecture, or starts as lecture, […]
Question for Graeme Decarie: Can you explain the Wrong-Way Driving phenomenon in New Brunswick?
I recently (June 6, 2015) came across a CBC article entitled: “Ont. driver says truck going wrong direction in N.B. nearly caused accident: RCMP say vehicles travelling in the wrong direction is a common problem on New Brunswick highways.” Some of the quotations include: “Vehicles travelling in the wrong direction is a common problem on New […]